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Like many across the country I watched the Four Corners doco last nite. I was shocked and appalled at the behaviour of the Indonesion slaughterhouses. Absolutely abhorrent stuff that all day the scenes of the cows being tethered watching their chums being slaughtered alive, that last cow trembling and shaking watching wont go away from me.
Last nite and today I am not a proud Australian.
Some Beef ?, Today, 06:46 PM

Got a problem haysie ?

:rolleyes: I think its really childish that someone would PM me that.
Its absolutely disgusting what they are doing. Send them cold meat. Fuckin pricks.
As a kid I seen cattle, pigs and sheep slaughtered and butchered but never seen an animal treated like that.
I'm with you haysie, not afraid to say it publicly either. The most offensive and disturbing thing witnessed in some time, surprising the federal govt responded so rapidly, to their credit.
While also quite shocked by the footage on Four Corners I am cautious about anything and everything I see, hear or read on Four Corners.

Being involved in an industry that was subjected to sub standard Four Corners "journalistic investigation" I normally reserve my judgement until it has been corroborated by programs that display greater integrity.

Chris steps down from soap box!!
I'm with you haysie, not afraid to say it publicly either. The most offensive and disturbing thing witnessed in some time, surprising the federal govt responded so rapidly, to their credit.
Its all over the airwaves nationally and its all the same spin from the people whom have their money in it, "we are improving the conditions" bullshit bullshit bullshit. The country is a retard and would blow us up at any instant, instead of us its our animals that we export to a cruel beyond belief finish.
People who support Bali and Indonesia really need to have a look, I refused prior to this airing of visiting Bali and now am adamant I`ll never visit that 4th world country. I want my money and the best holiday destinations which imo are Australia.
Live exports wont stop, Australians like Packer and his mate own most of all the feedlots in Indotorcherous and donate generous amounts of money to Government parties.
Never been totally green, but its about time.
Err, its been happening for years and not just in Indonesia.

Chances are the cow that died to make your last beef meal suffered.

Shit like this, in fact much worse, is happening every day ... to humans believe it or not... and it takes a 4 corners episode to make you suddenly care?
Its absolutely disgusting what they are doing. Send them cold meat.

You cant do that, its not halal and will screw with the Packer money and investment from our own Government.
Halal is all about beating the living shit out of an animal, breaking most of its bones UNTIL but as long as long as he/she weeps towards Mecca, its OK? If every country refused to supply them........ feck em they can go hungry! Murderers, filthy fecking non regulatary country.
Err, its been happening for years and not just in Indonesia.

Chances are the cow that died to make your last beef meal suffered.

Shit like this, in fact much worse, is happening every day ... to humans believe it or not... and it takes a 4 corners episode to make you suddenly care?

I have visited slaughterhouses since the day I was about 6 years old, Dad was a government inspector. I have seen issues but never downright animal cruelty.
My last beef meal was maybe my last but I know in Australia, the animal is unconcious and not tortured during death.
Suddenly care? How the feck can you ignore it, Torture!, but to you its only an animal to me its a mammal and a should not be put thru watching yours brothers massacered in front of you.
My last beef meal was maybe my last but I know in Australia, the animal is unconcious and not tortured during death.
Suddenly care? How the feck can you ignore it, Torture!, but to you its only an animal to me its a mammal and a should not be put thru watching yours brothers massacered in front of you.

Sorry but you do not know this as fact. The bolt does not guarantee death.

So if you truly believe that an animal is mammal and equivalent to a human... then why don't you help the 20,000 kids who die each day from malnutrition?
Culture or religion earns any form or cruelty a pardon.


Personally, as abhorrent as that footage was, I find it hard to get wound up about a few cows whilst our soldiers are being shot and blown to pieces in another futile war.
Culture or religion earns any form or cruelty a pardon.


Personally, as abhorrent as that footage was, I find it hard to get wound up about a few cows whilst our soldiers are being shot and blown to pieces in another futile war.

Agreed, another abhorrent practice, and yes it is also tragic hearing of loss of life as a result of war (whether or not we consider it futile or not, or even hold a firm opinion on that) - and also tragic the poverty that some people live in which results in the death of children from malnutrition and starvation. Having concerns over the barbaric treatment of animals does not preclude us from being concernd, and doing something about these other things too!

I am not suprised haysie's reaction to a revelation such as this practice in Indonesia - it sickens me too - and wether or not you agree with how he handles it and expresses his disgust at it, you cannot ignore it as something that is terribly wrong and within our grasp (as a country) to do somethig about.

Sure, similar things (like bullfighting) are allowed to happen .. does not make it right, and guess what - there are people who campaign & protest against against those things too - using them as an example of a reason not to speak out against other things like this is not logical (not saying that is what you where doing here in your example Dave70).
Personally, as abhorrent as that footage was, I find it hard to get wound up about a few cows whilst our soldiers are being shot and blown to pieces in another futile war.
That is just about the worst rhetoric I have ever read here (and we need to remember how pissed people often are when posting to truly understand the scale of that statement).

I so hope you're trolling.
You cant do that, its not halal and will screw with the Packer money and investment from our own Government.

Just out of interest the Packer's are no longer in the cattle industry. A few months back James sold their 90% stake in Consolidated Pastoral Company to an English private equity firm called Terra Firma.

Damm I wish I had seen the 4corners show, everyone is talking about it. No seriously, I wish I had seen it.
Check out the ABC website, I am pretty sure there is a spot there where you can watch it.

Cheers SJ
I don't think it's Halal, just that Indonesians are primitive medieval retards, as posted elsewhere. In fact there is really no such thing as an Indonesian as such, they are just a mosaic of cobbled together tribes and ethnic groups who were abandoned by the Dutch Empire and who appear to be racing each other to the bottom. Correct Halal butchering dictates that the animal should be killed swiftly without it ever seeing the knife. I regularly buy meat from the Halal butcher in Fortitude Valley (good prices as well) for that reason.
That is just about the worst rhetoric I have ever read here (and we need to remember how pissed people often are when posting to truly understand the scale of that statement).

I so hope you're trolling.

In retrospect I should have stopped typing after the first sentence, if only for the fact that comment had nothing with the topic of cattle exports.
The stories (Lance Corporal Andrew Gordon shooting - cattle exports) pretty much played back to back on the radio and of made me think of the time PETA had the nerve to lament the death of a donkey in a Jerusalem - that died in a bomb attack that killed dozens of people.
What's that got to do with anything? **** all.

I have a cousin in active service, I never met my grand father as his plane was shot down over Normandy, great grandfather's on both sides fought in WW1 and my uncle fought in Vietnam.
If you are in any way, shape or form implying I would flippantly evoke the name and commitment of our army as troll fodder, well....

I'm sure that's not what you meant, eh?
made me think of the time PETA had the nerve to lament the death of a donkey in a Jerusalem - that died in a bomb attack that killed dozens of people.
What's that got to do with anything? **** all.
Your rhetoric (in the initial post) is exactly the same as the way you present theirs.

You completely misrepresent PETA here in order to support your own position. I have no sympathy for PETA but they are animal rights activists - it is ridiculous to imply that they should be making public statements about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict rather than statements about man's treatment of animals. While you're quite right that their position on one animal is beyond secondary in the greater scheme of things that isn't to say that this means they are wrong (or that that one animal is their point, for that matter). Bringing this back to your initial point (if I must), while animals being killed for food may be able to be thought of as being of less importance than people being killed for...who even knows why, anymore?...that bares absolutely no relevance at all to whether someone should care about it or not (which is your clear implication).

As for the serving members of your family, unless you can show some sort of connection between the two issues I don't see how it is me that is disrespecting them.
Just out of interest the Packer's are no longer in the cattle industry. A few months back James sold their 90% stake in Consolidated Pastoral Company to an English private equity firm called Terra Firma.

Damm I wish I had seen the 4corners show, everyone is talking about it. No seriously, I wish I had seen it.

ABC I-View has it at the moment.

:icon_offtopic: How awesome is ABC I-View!
Personally, as abhorrent as that footage was, I find it hard to get wound up about a few cows whilst our soldiers are being shot and blown to pieces in another futile war.

I'm not very bright but I can still manage to get wound up by more than one thing at a time. Even two things that are not related in any way. Let's not place too many limits on what disappoints us. After all, there's no shortage of disappointing situations.

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