Little Creatures - Geelong Brewery

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Hi Everyone,

Thought I would share my trip to Little Creatures and White Rabbit in Geelong with you all.

I got there around 10am, looked around a bit and took some photos, then went on the $12 tour at 11am.

Grace was our tour guide, and we got the history of Little Creatures, then visited the big room upstairs with the mash tun, lauter tun, boil tun, whirlpool tun and hopback.

Then it was downstairs and across to the bottling line (with a view of the fermenting and bright tanks, a mix of 10,000 Litres and 20,000 litres from memory).

We finished with a quick tour of the White Rabbit room, and tasters of all beers on tap. Then some pizzas for lunch, which were great.

Of note, were the "Queen of Tarts", a dark raspberry wheat beer. At White Rabbit, I got a tasting paddle of 4 specialties with some English Chedder.
A Berliner Weisse that I enjoyed, Curious - a smokey bock. The third was their regular pale ale. The Dark Ale I already know and love.

The most interesting was Red, a red ale aged in (Shiraz?) barrels. Really rounded and depth of flavour, the barrel aging is there but not sharp or overpowering. Like a good red vintage. The malt still had a place as well. Looks like 5-6 months barrel aging, judging by the date on some barrels in one of the photos I took.

The good news is this will be in kegs around March, and bottle around September. Cannot wait.

Overall an awesome day and well worth the day trip for anyone in Melbourne or here for a short holiday.

Photos below.