Lime Wedge And A Corona Brew

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Hiya Blokes, just a question about this I'v been told. A mate that has brewed for yrs said if Im gonna do a Coopers Corona and the bottle stage wack in a wedge of lime to freshen it up, anyone heard this or am I just a baby brewer,lol.

Usually you stick the lime into it after it's bottled and you are drinking it, to do a few things

1. to actually make the beer taste like something
2. to hide the taste of skunking (clear bottles let UV in which causes skunky aromas with the hops)
3. to keep the flies out (it is from Mexico!)

Now, with the Coopers MC kit, it has a bit more flavour and body than Corona so point 1 is not needed, 2 is pointless as the kit uses UV-stable hop extracts that don't skunk, and 3 is not needed because we're in Australia.

But you can always stick the wedge of lime in when you're drinking it. Don't go shoving lime in it when you are bottling!
Thanks DJR, I was a bit suss as Im not doing a thai cooking dish but brewing beer.
Cheers mate.
Supposedly the original reason was to keep insects out and the lime was just stuck in the top of the bottle no rammed down the neck. I also heard it was to clean the top of the bottle from the dust and crap that found its way under the crown seal folds.
From Wikipedia "The original intent of putting a wedge of lime in a Corona bottle was for the purpose of using it to disinfect the rim of the bottle"

Had a mexican beer the other night at Pacifica that wasn't in a clear bottle
Bohemia I think it was, boy did it taste of corn!

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