Lid On While Getting To Boil?

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All Grain Gremlin
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Is it ok to have the lid on the kettle to get to the boil faster or are their still volitiles comming out at say 90C?
it's fine... those volatiles will all boil off after an hour. the main problem you have is the possibility of boilover. it can happen pretty quick (and without warning!) with the lid on.

be warned!
I don't think there'd be any negative effects from having the lid on whilst reaching the boil. However, I'm not game enough to try such a stunt. I often pull off a "controlled boilover". Where I catch it early enough, but not quite early enough. If you know what I mean. If I had a lid on I'd have no chance. I use a nasa though, I think it'd be different with a three ring low pressure burner.

I am with Coodgie on risk of over boil.
#1 priority is to ensure you have a rolling boils and lid off at least for the last half hour.
I usually keep the lid on 3/4 whilst I'm getting to the boil, and off during the actual boil.
leave the lid off and get a bigger burner :)

how fast it comes to the boil is only a factor of time..... it doesnt effect the end product IMO

I always leve the lid on when it is coming to a boil, I just keep an eye on it, and take the lid off when the scummy stuff completely covers the top, and starts to show signs of movement underneath. Rarely (knock on wood) have boilovers, but I am only using a 3 ring burner. Never had any negative effects in my beers using this method. I reckon any volatiles produced in this manner would be more than taken care of by the ensuing boil.
All the best
leave it on.
you'll save a significant amount of time and therefore energy (gas/power) in getting to the boil. I'd watch it like a hawk though!
Hey Scott

I can vouch for the nasa boil overs

I cleverly managed not 1 but 2 boil overs on my first AG - one second it's not boiling - next thing you know its all over the floor!

Go the Nasa!

Also did everyone's paint that was on their nasa's catch alight and burn? I had ash everywhere! I'm gonna pull it apart before I use it next and clean it.

Should I repaint it with heat proof paint? Or just leave it how it is? Is there actually any paint that can handle the nasa power? :p


I don't think there'd be any negative effects from having the lid on whilst reaching the boil. However, I'm not game enough to try such a stunt. I often pull off a "controlled boilover". Where I catch it early enough, but not quite early enough. If you know what I mean. If I had a lid on I'd have no chance. I use a nasa though, I think it'd be different with a three ring low pressure burner.

I can vouch for the nasa boil overs

I cleverly managed not 1 but 2 boil overs on my first AG - one second it's not boiling - next thing you know its all over the floor!

Yes it is particularly easy to do. Especially when you've got 41L in a 50L kettle.

Also did everyone's paint that was on their nasa's catch alight and burn? I had ash everywhere! I'm gonna pull it apart before I use it next and clean it.

Should I repaint it with heat proof paint? Or just leave it how it is? Is there actually any paint that can handle the nasa power? :p

Yes the paint burns off and creates a hell of a stink. It is advised to burn it off prior to brewing day. Don't bother with repainting.

thanks guys, i just bought a 3 ring so im not going to upgrade again. Ive already done a brew with it and there were no problems getting a rolling boil with the lid off. I havnt had a boil over yet. I use a 50L converted keg so their is alot of headspace.

I get to the boil ALL the time with the lid on...........

And as others have mentioned before, just keep and eye on it for when it starts to move its close to the rolling boil commencing.

I also use a 3 ring burner too....
I've got a 3 ring too Finite...
and i will 'echo' everything that Trent said further up the page.
plus add.
i boil about 32 Litres and start the burner as soon as the first few litres are in the kettle. It still takes a whiles to get to boil, so the lid helps. When its getting close, i will normally leave a quarter of the lid off so i can keep an eye on it.
:) yep put a vote down for me, im a full lid to boil then a half lid to maintain a good roll ( pity me, for i am still on the stove with 2 19l pots :( )
Put me in the "3 ring burner - lid on up to boil, then completely off" crowd.
I use a nasa and the lid on method to get to boil then remove when it's going.
If it's going to boil over, I use a trigger spray bottle with a bit of water to stop the boil over.
I boil/mash outside now :angry: so a little bit of a boil over is not an issue.


Good time to have a beer or 2 while waiting for boil to get to temp but don't have too many or you will forget the wirfloc :p later.


- Luke

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