Leaking Tap

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Has anyone else had this, I just went and invested in a third fermenter(the missus wasn't quite annoyed enough with me doing 2 brews at a time). This fermenter had a white tap and with the fermenter now on its second brew I saw that there were a couple of drops of brew stuck in the tap outlet. I thought thats strange and then checked the other two taps(which are black) and sure enough they were leaking a couple of drops as well. I always pull apart the taps when cleaning, is this seeping the norm or is something strange going on cause I'm sure this could be a shortcut to bottle infection? Cheers Kingo
seems to happen all the time with mine , dunno why , only a couple of drops till it goops up and seals , i put a lid or something under the tap to catch the drops when i remember to ....
Has anyone else had this, I just went and invested in a third fermenter(the missus wasn't quite annoyed enough with me doing 2 brews at a time). This fermenter had a white tap and with the fermenter now on its second brew I saw that there were a couple of drops of brew stuck in the tap outlet. I thought thats strange and then checked the other two taps(which are black) and sure enough they were leaking a couple of drops as well. I always pull apart the taps when cleaning, is this seeping the norm or is something strange going on cause I'm sure this could be a shortcut to bottle infection? Cheers Kingo
I'm not sure if this is the same problem but another guy had a few leaks last week. He was smirking about how his Dr friend had a leak and what do you know, first he had one leak and before he knew it they were springing up all over the place. I think he might have to use a long knife one night to clean it out and then stuff a few cronies back in where the leak came from. I think though he had leaks with petrol, not beer.

Not sure if this helps but good luck finding yours.
I got a new tap before my last brew and it was a dripper too. A small pool - maybe a few drops- appeared overnight. Not much, just enough to make me paranoid about whats sitting in it. I cleaned the drops up but sure enough two days later there were a couple more. I give it a good spray up with peroxide every second day or so - probably isn't doin anything but I sleep better.
I actually forgot about it and yesterday filled my fermetor and realised this morning that I used the same damn tap.
I've gone through a bunch of taps

All seem to leak after a while

Some straight away

They do stop after a little pool of wort

I routinely give the taps a squirt with idophor before racking / transferring etc

I always pull apart and clean the taps after each use and now just accept the fact that the majority of them (even new) either leak or will leak.
I've just made up a few plugs using cut up lengths of an old bottling tube with one end jammed with a plastic air mattress plug if the leaks are bad.


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