Kit Recipie For Tooheys Extra Dry?

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I went to the 'Country Brewer' shop on the weekend. He handed me a recipe sheet for making versions of commercial store bought beers using the KIT cans you get and slight variations on what yeast and malt etc you add to make the flavor differences.

My Brother-in-law loves Tooheys Extra Dry for some reason.. If it exists I'll give it a go for him..?
Try the Black Rock Dry Lager kit with brew enhancer 2 and S23 yeast. Try and keep it cool when you ferment it. Won't be spot on but will be in a similar style.

The best kit beer I ever did was the Morgans Blue Mountain Lager. Comes out pretty decent from memory
I'm drinking some right now. I'll dig the recipe up and post it.
Any chance of getting another brother in law?
One who has taste buds? :p

I went to the 'Country Brewer' shop on the weekend. He handed me a recipe sheet for making versions of commercial store bought beers using the KIT cans you get and slight variations on what yeast and malt etc you add to make the flavor differences.

My Brother-in-law loves Tooheys Extra Dry for some reason.. If it exists I'll give it a go for him..?
I did see a kit already made up at my local brew store. I think it was a brewcraft kit. Could be wrong. Check it out online
The Cooper's Draught can and 1 kg of dex makes something pretty similar IIRC.

Don't judge. It was my first ever brew.
Any chance of getting another brother in law?
One who has taste buds? :p

:lol: No chance at this stage.. Just trying to do a favor for the poor lost soul... ;) I personally dislike Extra Dry.. It has a watery chemical taste to me..
I'll try the above mentioned recipes, might do a small batch for him or something..

(Thanks for everyone's suggestions on what to do so far...)
Try the Black Rock Dry Lager kit with brew enhancer 2 and S23 yeast. Try and keep it cool when you ferment it. Won't be spot on but will be in a similar style.

Not a bad start, add to this and extra 150gm dry malt and 12gm of super alpha steeped in 500ml of hot water(tea bag style).
I find 1 cup of raw sugar bridges a gap that the kit doent fill.
My brother has drank nother but TED for 15 years and loves it.
Commercial dry beers are very hard to emulate as you really have nothing to hide behind if you get any unwanted side flavours. I find I can make a really good emulation of a mainstream Aussie commercial by doing a full mash with a QLD pilsener malt, add a whole kilo of Brew Enhancer 1 to the fermenter, and yeast US-05 fermented cool (17) - hopped to around 18 IBU with one of those hops such as Super Alpha as noted above, or even good old Pride of Ringwood.

If using a kit I'd maybe go for something very pale such as a Cerveza or Canadian Blonde.
