Kit & Booster Prices

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"Baron Hardmans" Chief brewer.
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At my HBS I am paying for Morgans, Brewcraft, Blackrock ect + a malt booster/dextrose booster pack I am paying $25-$28

And about $30-33 including hops(just 1 serve)

Am I being jipped seems bloody expensive when I can use Coopers, Brewcraft, Brigalow ingredients for about $15 a brew.

How much are u's paying for kits @ ur homebrew shop and boosters.
Just a thought, if you are paying that much, why not get one of the 3kg cans, or better still a fresh wort kit?

If you want to save a bit, buy some dry malt extract, dextrose and hops in a larger quantity, then add them to a basic (i.e. cheaper) can. Something like this:

Basic Can
500g dry malt extract
500g dextrose
10g extra hops

Happy brewing
Seems like that takes a lot of the fun of picking and choosing ur own ingredients to personalise your beer if you know what I mean, I was just wondering if any other Syd shops are a bit more reasonably priced as I have only done 7 brews so far and am still feeling my feet.
Actually makes it a lot of fun, as you can change the mix and the tastes and gets you on the way to moving from can brewing to all grain brewing as you experiement with tastes that you have created.

I have 2 favourite home brew shops, one in the North and the other in the South of Sydney.

They charge about this:

Hops - $8 or $9 for 100g
Dried Malt extract - $8 or $9 a kilo
Dextrose - about $5

Of course if you buy large quantities it gets cheaper. Hope this helps
What suburbs are these in, and thats about what I am paying though I spose I am still saving a **** tin then if I was buying cases still.
hi drew i pay about 26 bucks for a kits and bits and that is discounted but i look at it this way30-33 bucks for a real nice beer at 19 ltrs equates to about 10 bucks a carton now if you consider this .if you buy a premium beer buy the carton say at 50 bucks that would be around 150 for three cartons .you are brewing a premium beer which 19 ltrs is near on 3 cartons any way for 30-40 bucks that is a saving of 100 bucks .
but the brewing side of things as a hobby is not just saving money but doing the craft .
you could consider joining a brew club and do bulk buys and also learn a thing or two on how to improve your ales ect to bring them up to a standard where you wouldnt even buy a carton from the booze shop any more and you will find that you wont go to the pub as much as well .you also get more friends comming over and then you intro them to it as well and could even start your own club .
well thats the long winded version .but no mate you are paying around the mark but you can always ask you HBS to point you in the direction of clubs ,?i have learnt so much from this site and joining the BBC i m hooked

Thanks for the info del, just wanted to make sure I wasnt getting jipped on the price.

What goods and prices can u get for bulk goods?
That's the great thing about this hobby, it just keeps tasting better the longer you keep making it.

I'm a big fan of Toohey new when I'm out. They don't claim it tastes good, and it goes down well. I can't afford the beers on tap that I would like the drink.

I sent you a couple of web links to get you the pricing.
Another option you could use is to buy the Morgans kit and finishing hops from your HBS, but buy coopers brewblend 1 or 2 ($4.00 - $5.00) from Coles or Woolies when you do your shopping. Then you are well under $25 a shot.

However, remember what you are comparing your beer with........

Even at $50.00 for 20 or 23 litres of very palatable beer, you are better off financially than the equivalent 2.5 cartons of commercial beer.

If you were doing a 1:1 dollar value with your homebrew, you could afford to pay about $90 a brew to be on par with 2.5 slabs of VB. (Or about $125 to be on par with Squires or Hahn Premium etc...)

Then, there is the difference in quality, and the "I did it myself" feeling.

Partial or AG brewing will bring the cost back down again (if buying in bulk), and raise the bench on quality even further.

The Bang for Buck value of home brewing remains

My average cost is about $1.00 a long neck which sure beats the hell out of commercial beers, tastes a damn site better as well.

hey, post No. 150, I am no longer a "Partial Man"
Congrats Brad - I've been wondering how the status of people changes. Guess I have a long way to go.
4 kg Base malt $8
500g coloured or wheat etc $4
Hops $3.5
Liquid Yeast 1 vial split into 4 then used at least twice $2
Water and Gas $2
Ingredients $19.50
All the toys I dream of making or buying - Priceless!
Make sure you read the labels on the supermarket booster bags. Last time I looked, the base entry level included 50% sucrose, which is plain table sugar. Not the greatest thing to add to your beer, and certainly much cheaper from the cooking aisle.

If I went back to kits, it would be the 3kg paint tins, or ESB wort kits. They cost a little more than a kit and booster bag, but make decent beer.

LHBS sells paint tins for around $28, they already include hops and a good dry yeast which makes them good value when you compare that to the cost of a regular kit, 1.5 kg tin extract, finishing hops and a better yeast.

The ESB wort kits are around $30.
well there you have it drew .
"its all good"

Never used the paint tins, but I put on a few ESB fresh wort kits while sorting out gear from my move and they go pretty well. I'd say they make substantially better beer than kits and bits.

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