Kev Had A Comparatively Good Run

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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Compared to these Australian Prime Ministers: (total time in office)

Earl Paige 20 days - shit they named a hall of res after him at UNE, must have been scraping the bottom :huh:
Arthur Fadden - 1 month 9 days
Frank Forde - 8 days
John McEwen - 23 days.

However, John was a good guy who was just picking up the pieces while they sorted out a permanent replacement for Harold Holt IIRC (who had a swimming centre named after him :eek:)
Yeah like Anna B-Lie the first Queensland Female Premier and look where that got us <_< However I think Julia will be great and has always had Abbott over a barrel apparently.
I'm gonna miss that milky bar kid, not. Can't stand Julia either, most annoying voice ever, and she looks like a chiwawa. I reckon I should be PM
Let be honest theres not much between the major parties - their all bastards who just argue with one another for the sake of it and back pedal on election promises they cant keep and raise taxes whilst blowing one another at orgys in canberra.
At the end of the day we're all fucked.

Lobby groups are really the ones that run the country.
Let be honest theres not much between the major parties - their all bastards who just argue with one another for the sake of it and back pedal on election promises they cant keep and raise taxes whilst blowing one another at orgys in canberra.
At the end of the day we're all fucked.

Lobby groups are really the ones that run the country.

:lol: Classic Post.
Poor Barry Hall....

JULIA Gillard has played down her rising popularity, claiming there's more chance of her becoming full-forward for the Western Bulldogs than there is of her seizing the job of prime minister from Kevin Rudd.

the fallout for the doggies is going to hurt...

Its a big change but it will mean nadda for any of us. They are all the same and we will get constantly reamed up the coit no matter who is PM
I'm gonna miss that milky bar kid, not. Can't stand Julia either, most annoying voice ever, and she looks like a chiwawa. I reckon I should be PM

Only if you look like your avatar.

And i would much rather Julia Guillard than god bother-er Abott, :ph34r:
Rudd is a god botherer too. Most policy announcements on weekends were from outside his church. You know, because the Australian voters are a superstitious bunch.

I wonder how "Christian" Jesus would think Abbott's position on refugees is?
Whats next, a black president?

Oh wait never mind, anyway I'm still waiting for the sky to fall in.

I guess the only decision they needed to make this morning was whether they like their pig with lipstick or not.

Some of the ALP policies such as the "equitable resources contribution" (minerals tax) are actually a good idea. It's just that Krudd was a terrible salesman, and could never get past his ego, his public service mode, and his conviction he knew best. He failed to move into political mode, engage in consultation, and find a compromise, or a smooth way to implement policies.
Thanks for reminding me, Felten. I should be ignoring the dishes playing Fallout 3 right now. Nearly forgot!

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