Kegs becoming scarce

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Supposably the shortage is so bad kegking can't stock them anymore
Yep. Been in short supply for a year or two now. Quality seems to be getting worse also.
I guess there are just to many homebrewers kegging these days.

On the bright side keg king offers a good middle range for new kegs before the Italian ones
I need a few fixed up. Any recommendations? All ball lock, different types and different issues. Need someone to assess and repair or recommend avenue of repair.

Could turn them into ss fermenters with a ball valve but if they are becoming rare, I'd rather hang onto them.
I would think they will only become more scarce. Post-mix soda syrup comes in plastic bladders packed cardboard now. What else have cornets been used for historically?
manticle said:
I need a few fixed up. Any recommendations? All ball lock, different types and different issues. Need someone to assess and repair or recommend avenue of repair.

Could turn them into ss fermenters with a ball valve but if they are becoming rare, I'd rather hang onto them.
Depending on what is wrong with them I doubt they are worth repairing, if you had to pay anyone the labour alone would probably cost you more then the keg. If it's a diy job it could be worth doing
Mardoo your right probably getting more scare because like you said now they're coming in the boxes and the only ones floating around are probably wearing down more every day. And some just get broken by accident
Pugdog1 said:
Depending on what is wrong with them I doubt they are worth repairing, if you had to pay anyone the labour alone would probably cost you more then the keg. If it's a diy job it could be worth doing
Leaky posts, etc. Tried replacing various bits so might be kegs rather than accessories. Worth the extra cash to do if I simply can't get them any more.
I think this thread is a bit unnecessarily alarmist (wow! I'm a climate keg denier :lol:)

It is just the used, secondhand cornys that are becoming scarce - exactly the same kegs new (Italian AEB) are about $40 more than the secondhand ones.
MaltyHops said:
I think this thread is a bit unnecessarily alarmist (wow! I'm a climate keg denier :lol:)

It is just the used, secondhand cornys that are becoming scarce - exactly the same kegs new (Italian AEB) are about $40 more than the secondhand ones.
True the topic title does mislead a bit haha.

I thought the Italians were around the 200 mark? I had second hands for around 40-100 depending on luck
manticle said:
Leaky posts, etc. Tried replacing various bits so might be kegs rather than accessories. Worth the extra cash to do if I simply can't get them any more.
A new o-ring around the diptube (make sure it's lubricated) usually fixes it, if it's leaking out the top then a new poppet seal, again, lubricate.

Oh, and of course the o-ring around the post on the outside if it's leaking with a disconnect on, that's usually the main culprit. Try a few different models (thicknesses, different retailers might have different ones) and again, make sure it's well lubricated. This has fixed every leaking post I ever had.
Just checked 185. Still that's better then I originally thought as when I checked ages ago they were 250 on the site I looked at
Mardoo said:
What else have cornets been used for historically?
A cornet is basically the same as a trumpet, but with a mellower sound.... but not quite as mellow as a flugelhorn. But that's not important right now.

Didn't someone say on here a while ago that there would be heaps of used kegs coming out of China soon?
MaltyHops said:
19lt Ball Lock Post Mix Keg Brand New AU$119.95

Not counting postage, I guess.

Ed. And I guess price of these could well go up once secondhand ones are no longer available.
Are you sure those aren't kegkings new ones as that's exactly the same price as his and that site doesn't say they're made in Italy or anything. Which is normally a big selling point for aeb ones.

Not saying yours is wrong just curious as that's a really good price
Pugdog1 said:
Are you sure those aren't kegkings new ones as that's exactly the same price as his and that site doesn't say they're made in Italy or anything. Which is normally a big selling point for aeb ones.

Not saying yours is wrong just curious as that's a really good price
I'm pretty sure I spoke with Amanda from BB about those ones being AEB ones (I wouldn't stake my life on not being wrong about this though ;))

I got a new 9L AEB keg from a winemaking supplier here in Adelaide for $110 last year (?) and a 9L is not that much different to a 19L really, just a bit more sheet metal.

Ed. attached is my 9L AEB

That is a good price then. That's even comparable to some prices I've seen for second hand ones.

Yea I saw that bulk buy, straight from the dealer so he would of given a price a bit above the wholesale price so he made a bit of extra $$ rather than everyone buying it from a home brew shop, either way he wins, kegking guy must be a decent fella though he always lets people on this forum do bb's

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