Kegging For A Better Beer Earlier?

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Hi guys

I recently kegged and bottled my amarillo pale ale. I have been drinking from the keg for around a month and am completely happy with the beer. I tried my beer in the bottle to see the differences, not only was the beer noticable different in colour but also tasted really different.

I think the darker colour could be the yeast but the taste has got me stumped, doubt it would be an infection because it wasnt gross or anything (could be mild?).

So thought i would start a discussion, do kegs make better beer faster due to bulk aging? or any other reason? My beers seem alot better kegged than bottled!
Yeast/trub has a very large impact on flavour.
I have two of the same brew on tap, one of them tastes alot cleaner but less body then the other.
This is due to me chucking in some polyclar.

Sure you didn't filter or anything?

Normally people fill the kegs first then the bottles - has it got a bunch of extra yeast / trub in it?
It could be I got unlucky and picked the last bottle. I generally leave at least 1L behind though to avoid bottling the trub. Nah didn't have a filter at the time. Got one now but haven't seen the need to use it yet unless making a lager.

The bottle didn't have much sediment though, was really solid and I know it didnt mix up into the beer.
Not a big issue as ill be kegging most anyway just wondered if anyone else had noticed :p.
I heard 1 week in keg is approximated to 2 weeks in a bottle.

Just what i heard and have heard a number of times. No way i know of scientifically proving or disproving this.

I find my kegged beers get better quicker than the bottled version, a few weeks in a keg, is akin to 2 months in a bottle. For my beers any way, I don't filter, just crash chill most of the time for about 5 days, sometimes a bit less

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