Beer Odd
Could you please give us a few notes on how you performed the calibration ?
Jeez, I never considered that ever happening.Mr Wibble said:What about when SWMBO has a higher score than you :blink:
Use the FG, so if it were 1.010 then 1 ml would be 1.01 g . That is only 1% so not worth worrying about.Moad said:I assumed 1g = 1ml which is probably wrong but the measurements I am getting from kegbot seem pretty good to me. Around 415-430 for a full schooner with a small amount of head. Slightly over estimating is good for me
I weighed my kegs while empty and stuck a sticker with the weight on the keg. when hooking up a new keg, weigh it and deduct the kegs weight and put that into Kegbot as the starting volume.Moad said:Rough guess for existing kegs, I could weigh them to be accurate.
The whole thing is a bit of fun and to roughly know when I'm going to kick a keg so not trying to be accurate to the ml
To be honest I thought it was a User (drunk User) problem as my system is a user tap on the screen when they have the glass on the scales.Moad said:I got a double pour last night, have you done any troubleshooting on that?
Moad Sorry I meant the connecting to the Beer line, i've got 8mm (I think) beerline and the flowmeter you linked early looks to be a 1/2" thread (which sort NPT etc I'm not sure)Moad said:Jaycar don't sell them any more, I got mine from AliExpress. They sell on eBay as well if you just want one or two.
Each flow sensor requires an interrupt circuit, each pressure sensor also requires an interrupt circuit, so an arduino could only handle I think 6 taps with flowmeters or 6 pressure sensors or three with both.stuartf said:Hey moad, really interested in getting something like this set up on my kegerator. How difficult for a non-IT person to build? Also I was thinking of adding in pressure sensors so I can confirm what pressure each keg is at, not sure how easy that would be to do though?
Do you have a link to these?Thanks for bumping this post.
Recently built a kegerator that will hold 6 kegs and wanted to get some sort of measurement system so i know when I have to put a new brew down.
Considering the flow meters are only $4.60 on ebay it's going to be quite a cheap project to get setup.