Including the set of white board markers, under $10. Works every time.grott said:I use an A5 size magnetic white board pad on the fridge by the tap. I know how many pints I get out of the kegs and mark off with a marker as I go. Simple, cheap and the marker sits on the drip tray so I don't forget.
This has got me thinking. What a bloody great diet- drink 2 kegs and drop 22 kilo (base on 1 litre of water weighs 1 kilo). I knew there was another great reason to drinkFeldon said:For every 19 litre keg of beer you drink you will urinate about 30 litres.
I've only played with pints but if you read through the HBT V2.0 release thread ( yes it's huge) one of the guys did a full rebuild allowing for flow meter calibration and metric as well as graphical changes from an easy to use setup page. I'd link but on the phone on a train.Moad said:Well my obsession with all things arduino and Rpi has led me down the rabbit hole to Raspberry Pints and Kegbot. I got both running last night, kegbot I didn't particularly like the interface so got RPints running. It feels limited compared to Kegbot. I've ordered some cheap flow meters through ebay that are the same as they link to on the adafruit store.
Kegbot you need an arduino board for each two taps whereas RPints you can get away with one arduino for as many taps as you have pins available. Someone also has arduino logging over bluetooth for RPints which could be cool.
Does anyone have experience with both systems, what did you prefer?