Not at war, not bombing the **** out of each other, not making laws discriminating against people of a certain colour, gender or sexuality, not boldly lying through our teeth for our own benefit, not basing every decision and action purely on financial profit, not ******* up every bit of natural history around us and basically not being a prick, arsehole or **** by default (or at least being aware of and accepting responsibility for being said appellations).
It's a start, anyway.
You really are a teenagerNot at war, not bombing the **** out of each other, not making laws discriminating against people of a certain colour, gender or sexuality, not boldly lying through our teeth for our own benefit, not basing every decision and action purely on financial profit, not ******* up every bit of natural history around us and basically not being a prick, arsehole or **** by default (or at least being aware of and accepting responsibility for being said appellations).
It's a start, anyway.
I don't see that that notion being particularly relevant to human behaviour (it is of course we're gonna get philosophical and ****, where's lecterfan?). I think the ideas manticle put forward could be embraced without having to revert to barbarism (even though the idea of dressing up in Man-o-war garb and starting fights in town does appeal to me) in whatever it was he didn't completely cover there.Have you given thought to the notion that the laws of entropy work on human behaviour?
As we progress in so called civilisation, so must we regress in other aspects of civilisation. There is no win win, its always win-lose.
You really are a teenager![]()
We do have those laws that make it illegal to discriminate against people. And they do 'work'
Anyway this thread has confirmed that Victorians are bleeding heart liberals (in the American definition).
I don't see that that notion being particularly relevant to human behaviour (it is of course we're gonna get philosophical and ****, where's lecterfan?)
'don't be a ****, don't be an arsehole'
And AHB crashes with the sudden rush of users simultaneously hitting the edit button...(please don't reply with pre-Heidggerian ontology to this comment and expect me to acknowledge it)
I love beer.
Twilight.For those who think things are so much worse/different today than they were a generation ago or another one before that etc, just remember that the last century brought us 2 world wars (including the holocaust), the atomic bomb, the cold war, appartheid, the stalinist purges, vietnam and Korean wars, mcCarthayism, widespread environmental destruction, white australia and fascism.
For those who think things are so much worse/different today than they were a generation ago or another one before that etc, just remember that the last century brought us 2 world wars (including the holocaust), the atomic bomb, the cold war, appartheid, the stalinist purges, vietnam and Korean wars, mcCarthayism, widespread environmental destruction, white australia and fascism.
For those who think things are so much worse/different today than they were a generation ago or another one before that etc, just remember that the last century brought us 2 world wars (including the holocaust), the atomic bomb, the cold war, appartheid, the stalinist purges, vietnam and Korean wars, mcCarthayism, widespread environmental destruction, white australia and fascism.
Smacking people and making them join the army ain't going to make humans stop being fuckwits. If the young kids of today are such a problem stop ******* breeding them: especially if you can't be arsed trying to teach them anything (or are incapable of doing so without slapping them upside the head)..
I was smacked as a kid and I'll guess you were too but that was not what taught me respect and a good work ethic. My understanding of those things came from elsewhere - being smacked just made me scared and confused until I was older and tougher and it no longer hurt.