Off on a tangent a touch. In this day and age of homebrewing, how many brews are actually infected ?
Theres not so good tasting beer. And theres great tasting beer ( and all in between ). But i doubt that there are many truely infected beers.
So do judges count a kit and kilo as an infected beer ?
IMHO. Home made/brewed beers are like making cakes. You have your supermarket packet cakes, then you have your super homemade Cream Tortes ( Cakes). Even the cream comes from the cow out the back. Neither cakes have gone off. And makers of both are happy with what they do.
Food/Beer for thought.
I was a steward at the NSW comp. I worked a couple of tables totalling about 25 beers and I tasted them all. According to the judges, 2 or 3 were infected. One of these was very noticable to a novice like me. It was great experience for me to taste these beers and be told what the problem was.
So infected beers do turn up in comps and I consider three out of 25, if this is representative of comps, to be a reasonably high incidence.
As for K&K beers, the judges had no idea what was K&K and what wasn't. I was steward, so I was cracking the bottles and pouring the beers and I had no idea. They just see a glass of beer with a number and style associated with it.
As for detecting K&K beers, the judges seemed to be more confident picking mash beers. They seemed to associate chill haze with mash beers - there were a couple of comments along these lines. It's impossible to say whether they were correct or not, I just found it an interesting association.
Turning to the quality of the beers, a couple were outstanding, about 10 or so were very nice clean drinkable beers with minor style faults, another 6ish were pretty average and the rest had pretty significant flaws.
What stood out to me about the bottom half of the beers was that the major flaws were from ignoring the basics of brewing. They were infected, oxidised, had noticeable diacetyl or were underattenuated, amongst other things. Adequate sanitation, strong healthy fermentation, temp control, oxygen-free transfer were the weak points in the brewers process for these beers. Simple, basic stuff.
If a beer was clean, well fermented and properly handled, and entered in the correct style, then it would score well, probably above 30. Mash, extract or K&K doesn't make any difference here I reckon.