Hi Pete, thanks for the recipie! I was hunting for a mead recipie in metric and after reading your fantastic post I knew this was the one. I'm just about to add the yeast and leave it to relax in a cupboard, fairly stable 20c tempreture in there so fingers crossed. My only concern is the yeast I used (Doves Farm Quick Yeast), it includes an emulsifier sorbitan monostearate.... hopefully this won't do anything too scary to the brew.
Also, current room is ~20c and the liquid in the demijohn doesn't want to go down below 25 it seems... I've left it to aclimatise for almost two hours and very little change. Reckon it's alright to throw the yeast in at this tempreture?
Edit: Wow, the forum dreged up that photo... some mankey wort from about 5 years ago!