Jämä IPA: Recipe critique

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The plan is to clear out the closet by using some older malts and hops I have.

Jämä IPA:

Batch Size (fermenter): 19,00 l
Estimated OG: 1,071
Estimated IBU: 58,2 IBUs
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

2,82 kg Munich Malt (17,7 EBC) 42,0 %
2,20 kg Pale Malt (2 Row) (5,9 EBC) 32,7 %
1,30 kg Wheat Malt (3,9 EBC) 19,3 %
0,40 kg Caramel/Crystal Malt - 100 EBC 6,0 %
54,00 g Northern Brewer [8,50 %] - First Wort 58,2 IBUs
60,00 g Waimea [14,50 %] - Boil 0,0 min 0,0 IBUs
50,00 g Cascade [5,50 %] - Boil 0,0 min 0,0 IBUs
1,0 pkg Safale American (DCL/Fermentis #US-05)

Mash: Single Infusion, Full Body, Batch Sparge

I don't have more Munich, pale or wheat malts, nor Norther Brewer, Waimea or Cascade.
I do have more crystal malts (60-200EBC), Special B, Chocolate malt, Aromatic malt and flaked rye.
I also have 45g of Hallertauer Mittelfrueh and about 20g of Willamette.

Note: my cooling equipment is quite inefficient, so the flame out hops will give some IBUs. The Northern Brewer is quite old so it won't give as many IBUs.

The recipe is quite a mishmash of malts, I have a hard time imagining how this will taste. The question is, will this be a good beer and how I could make it better?
Given what you have, I reckon the combo is good. No more malts.
2 packs of 05 is my only recommendation.
^ ^ agree, at 1070 you will get a better ferment with 2 packets, rehydrated if you know how.

On the malts, drop the 6% caramel/crystal as the huge Munich addition of 42% will give you PLENTY of malt sweetness. Ive made a few IPA with just ale malts and 10% -12% Munich instead of crystal and it was a good amount of sweetness, especially for an IPA.

Hops wise, throw the Willamette and mittlefrua along with the wiamea and keep the cascade for dryhopping after ferment.

Good luck.
I forgot to mention it in my original post, but I plan to pitch this vort on my current pale ale US-05 yeast slurry.

Dropping the crystal malt is probably a good idea, I'll do that. My original plan was to use all the hops, but figured all the different aromas and flavours blended together would not be as good as a little less of just a few varieties.
OK, a new plan.

I'm going to be a father in a few weeks, so I might not be able to brew in a while. We'll see how the daily routines will develope. I've wanted to brew something very strong for a while now, so I'm going to make a partigyle. The first runnings will be a hoppy barleywine, the rest will be a very hoppy amber ale or a very malty IPA. Maybe I'll save some barleywine for his/her 18th birthday ;)

2,82 kg Munich Malt (17,7 EBC) 39,5 %
2,20 kg Pale Malt (2 Row) (5,9 EBC) 30,9 %
1,30 kg Wheat Malt (3,9 EBC) 18,3 %
0,80 kg Rye, Flaked 11,2 %

Barleywine, 8 liters to the fermenter, 3 hour boil to get the maillard reactions going. Bottle conditioned for a year, then open a bottle or two per year after that.
I will add 0,5kg of DME into the boil to bump the OG from 1.09 to 1.113.

15,00 g Waimea [14,50 %] - First Wort 180,0 min 61,5 IBUs
10,00 g Waimea [14,50 %] - Boil 120,0 min 37,0 IBUs
45,00 g Hallertauer Mittelfrueh [4,00 %] - Flame Out
19,00 g Northern Brewer [8,50 %] - Flame Out
20,00 g Willamette [5,50 %] - Dry Hop 14,0 Days
10,00 g Northern Brewer [8,50 %] - Dry Hop 14,0 Days

Estimated FG is 1.022 and ABV 12,4%, if I manage to get the last 0,3 percentage points with bottle carbonation. Do you think US-05 is up to the task, or do I need another yeast at the end to finish the job?

India Amber Ale, 16 liters
I will add 150g aromatic malt, 150g Special B and mash the whole thing again.
At this point I will have 120g of DME left, so I will dump that into the boil too.

25,00 g Northern Brewer [8,50 %] - First Wort 80 min 40,1 IBUs
5,00 g Waimea [14,50 %] - Boil 60,0 min 11,8 IBUs
15,00 g Waimea [14,50 %] - Flame Out
10,00 g Cascade [5,50 %] - Flame Out
40,00 g Cascade [5,50 %] - Dry Hop 14,0 Days
15,00 g Waimea [14,50 %] - Dry Hop 14,0 Days

Estimated OG 1.051
Estimated FG 1.011 (although, based on my previous experiences with second runnings, it will go lower.)
ABV will be about 5,3%

As my chilling is not very efficient, I expect to get quite a few IBUs from the flame out hops, especially the 15g Waimea addition for the amber ale. I don't care about hitting any particular style, my first priority is an outstanding beer.

What do you think about the hop schedules? Any other commets/critique/suggestions?

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