As for your other question about religious and scientific compatibility - it depends how literally you want to interpret various scripture but if you interpret any of it literally, most of it is incompatible. Earth creation stories, miracles, resurrections, rebirths, supernatural beings, cosmic justice systems, virgin births, demons, angels.
Got any religious principles from any known scripture that is scientifically valid or sound?[/quote]
I'm not obviously not doing a very good job of explaining the complexities of truth, so if someone else can draw Lecterfan or any other philosophy student into the joys of a theist v atheist debate be my guest ; )
Other than literal / fundamentalist, which I've offered no defence of, I'm not aware of any contemporary hermeneutics for any religion, that would suggest their sacred texts are in any way attempting to explain scientific truths. Remember my nil all draw reference , neither side is essentially playing on the same ground, they are not interested in the same things, although it is important that both are informed by each other. Remember my reference to how if science could kill any god it should!
Sacred texts, as the bondi Orthodox Jews used to tell me, are abstract stories to explain an abstract concept. They use myths, poems, songs, legends etc to explain their truths in relation to the human condition, relationships between people, the relationship between people and the natural world, the purpose of life and so on. The purpose of religion is not to explain the world but how to give meaning to life. Again, that's not to say meaning can't be sought in other ways, but it also doesn't deny that religion is for many people an effective means finding meaning.