Is My Batch Ruined

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I'm certainly not shitting on anyone. Keen to help where I can and learn where I can.
I didn't think you were shitting on anyone manticle. I did however notice that MCT's post vanished.
What happened MCT??? Why delete that post?
To be honest, I can't be bothered with the lame net fight that would ensue.
I think, like many of my brewing friends, that I'd rather persue my hobby and interact with other brewers that aren't 'of the same ilk'.

I can't be bothered to fight the net pests to be honest, so I'll just move along....
Thats cool mate. I agree 100000%. Net fights are just a waste of beer drinking time!!!!
yeah I agree, manticle has helped me and he may not be the most experienced brewer but he tries to help and will tell you what he thinks, That is good and is to be taken how you like as every one does things differently so 5 people may say different things and you may settle one just one or combine a few and make your own way. You dont ask if you dont want to know so I myself like different opinions even if they are totally different, try both and see what you like and what works for you. Each person is different.

Least manticle says what he would do without putting people down its a personal preference as I say if you dont like the sound of it try what you think sounds right and go back to that if you think it may be better :p