Is Homebrewing A Creative Outlet?

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Let's not kid ourselves, brewing is not art. Creative output doesn't have to be artistic. I enjoy the creativity behind a well crafted piece of furniture, tool, meal, etc, all of which require creativity to produce. None of them are art, tho. But yes, brewing can be as creative or utilitarian as you wish.
Let's not kid ourselves, brewing is not art. Creative output doesn't have to be artistic. I enjoy the creativity behind a well crafted piece of furniture, tool, meal, etc, all of which require creativity to produce. None of them are art, tho. But yes, brewing can be as creative or utilitarian as you wish.

This is where the expression "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" becomes relevant. I come from a line of carpenters. While I'm not one myself, I appreciate the craft that goes into a well made table or cabinet. I give such things the same esteem that I give the work of Rembrandt or Caravaggio (which I love). The cabinet is the work of an artisan, as can be the beer. That it's not in a gallery does not mean it's not art, or can't be appreciated to the degree.

I agree with your last statement, but I don't agree that beer, or furniture, tools and especially food can't be art.

Before anyone gets me wrong about how pretentious I am, I am not one of the people who support this as art. That is just money-grubbing exploitation.

And that's my 4 cents. (Coz I essayed twice). :p
Let's not kid ourselves, brewing is not art. Creative output doesn't have to be artistic. I enjoy the creativity behind a well crafted piece of furniture, tool, meal, etc, all of which require creativity to produce. None of them are art, tho. But yes, brewing can be as creative or utilitarian as you wish.

im not saying i disagree with you....

but how do you define an art form?

is photography an art form

what if you are a news photographer photographing an accident or a fire or war, thats not what i consider art that is documentation, or profiting off others misery not too sure, so does that mean that photography as a whole isnt art or only certain aspects.

is music art as i see you quote frank zappa in your signature, is he an artist? if you sit in a night club listening to bass pumping and repetitive drone music to keep the pill popers entertained is this art? i would say no but Leonard Cohen or Jeff Buckley sings Hallelujah, Eric Clapton belts out Tears in Heaven or Ben Harper singing I Shall Not Walk Alone and it hits ya right in the heart and causes you to feel a deep emotion is this art?

as antains says if a kid splatterin paint on a canvas is considered art than i'll gladly say home brew is NOT art but from what perspective and which definition do we describe art.

anyway thats enough from me, i seem to recall having numerous conversations like these as the bar manager tries to kick me and my mates out of the pub at closing time, maybe im too sober to be posting these glorious insights :p

carty, not that arty, and a bit to farty
Brewing beer to me is about enjoyment and relaxation.
Brewing AG beer that turns out just the way I intended it is my ultimate goal.
I can honestly say that I have only managed to brew 3-4 AG beers that turned out exactly as expected not counting the partials a kits from the past.

Brewing a well crafted beer is an art but not "a piece of art".
It is still only a beer :D
brewing is definitely not an art, it could be a science depending on how you do it.

this is brew art.

Brewing as an art form....oh dear oh dear, Campbells Soup for all I say, free the masses through "one we prepared earlier" soup kitchens.
Brewing as an art form...sure, go for it, serve up, serve up whatever you like, tempt the non-believers with apples, prove their metal with a decent hint of fusels, all, of course, in the name of art.
Brewing as an art form, in a drowning world I would be looking for PostModern's boat, pity I would not fit, but then again human voices have always been a better fit for those as I.

brewing is definitely not an art, it could be a science depending on how you do it.

this is brew art.



is film making an art? my friend who is a film maker/director would say it is a craft, i wonder what Stanley Kubrick, Tim Burton, M. Night Shyamalan Speilberg r Hitchcock would say

i dont feel either way if it is an art or not, dont really care too much but for the sake of being a ain is the arse and causing as much argument as possible all i am saying is give peace a wait sorry wrong brain signal.... all i am saying is it is different things to different people and to say it IS this or ISNT that is speaking for other people perspective on the craft wait no art i mena science, damn now im confused.

home brew may not be an art for you but it may be for others.

not me im just a tight arse and dont want to pay real money for beer :D

cheers and beers

ooh i did myself a rhyme
In the world I live in.. art is about pleasure without reason. Its art if skill and effort has been applied in order to inject pleasure that doesn't need to be there.

There is no reason for a sculpture beyond the pleasure it provides - there is no reason for a chair to be aesthetically pleasing, their job is to be comfortable - my wall doesn't need a Wilinski print in the middle of it - silence is fine... but Coltrane is better.

Its the pleasure for pleasure's sake that makes art in my head.

The liquid in my glass only needs to be water - but a brewer applied their skill and knowledge and passion to put a little bit of pure unnecessary pleasure in the glass as well; and its beer instead.

If that aint art, it'll do for me.
Jeeeeeeee Eeeezus, get your hand off it. I sincerely hope you mob are pissed writing this.

Is homebrewing a creative outlet? Yes. End of (wankfest) thread.
I also love naming the beers with the missus - some are fairly predictable, others are a bit of an in joke. Either way, I think it is part of finishing the brew - I have spent quite a bit of time nurturing it through fermentation and conditioning that I like to give it an identity.

All of this might sound like a bit of a wank...

+ 1 on the last sentence
Jeeeeeeee Eeeezus, get your hand off it. I sincerely hope you mob are pissed writing this.

Is homebrewing a creative outlet? Yes. End of (wankfest) thread.

actually sober as a judge - I just happen to be passionate about my hobby and also interested in how other people feel about it and think about it. Please feel free to not look at this thread anymore of you dont like it, and in the meantime. - Bite me.
Umm, i do it for the cheap beer to be honest...

At least that was my initial reaction, then i thought about it, i cook a bit too and i take photo's, i dabble in software and operating systems, i work with mechanical things also.
I think it's an extension of that. I like to create but i need to have an end result to drive the process. If it's not cost effective, if the result is not worth the effort then i wouldn't do it.
Jeeeeeeee Eeeezus, get your hand off it. I sincerely hope you mob are pissed writing this.

Is homebrewing a creative outlet? Yes. End of (wankfest) thread.

I'm sure someone thought Picasso was a wanker at some point.

I hope a couple killjoys don't put an end to an interesting thread. If you don't like it, toughen up princess, or just don't read it.

In the words of TISM: What are ya? Yob or wanker?

And does someone have the precise definition of art? No, because there isn't one.
Let's not kid ourselves, brewing is not art. Creative output doesn't have to be artistic. I enjoy the creativity behind a well crafted piece of furniture, tool, meal, etc, all of which require creativity to produce. None of them are art, tho. But yes, brewing can be as creative or utilitarian as you wish.

I've dined in some of the best restaurants in Australia Ive always said expensive food, affordable art! Brewing is a craft so Im thinking brewing can be an art!

I like this thread... It's different! creative thinking Sinkas! LOL!
Brewing is definitely one of my creative outlets, as is cooking.

I never really thought about it before, but what I do for a living is pretty damn creative as well. I create new electronic devices from scratch with some C code, PCB layout software, and a soldering iron. But of course I can't drink the damn things. <_< :D
Well I am glad to hear that this thread has generated a bit of a favourable response,

I am still surprised there hasnt been more talk about the naming of beers.

I am constantly shocked at how dull the names of commercial microbrews are,
WHile I find the stories on the side of JAmes Squires bottles painful, at least they do seem to make some sort of attempt at creating a beer name that deliniates itself form the norm with thier limited edition beers.

I think there is alot to be said as to "Why" a brewer decides to brew a certain beer and often I would like to see the evidence on the lable.

This is leading back to Microbrewing marketing being in the shitter, but I wont bore you with more of that.
Jeeeeeeee Eeeezus, get your hand off it. I sincerely hope you mob are pissed writing this.

Is homebrewing a creative outlet? Yes. End of (wankfest) thread.

Funnily enough Deebee, I think you are one of only two people who has ever bothered to ask why I have used certain names for my beers, which I was happy about.

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