I have been slowly building up my skill with BIAB no chill, and brewhouse efficiency has been consistent on the last few recipes of AIPA at 37 IBU 5.5%.
now I would like to tackle an American IPA, aiming for 6.5% say 55IBU, happy to adjust this.
what is everyones opinion on percentage of total IBU's for the bittering component for no chill?
the AIPA's I have brewed I have utilised 33% of total IBU's at the 60 or 45 min mark, then the rest of the hops have gone in the cube.
also what hop combos does everyone suggest?
I should be right with the malt profile, but might get some opinion on that also later down the track.
now I would like to tackle an American IPA, aiming for 6.5% say 55IBU, happy to adjust this.
what is everyones opinion on percentage of total IBU's for the bittering component for no chill?
the AIPA's I have brewed I have utilised 33% of total IBU's at the 60 or 45 min mark, then the rest of the hops have gone in the cube.
also what hop combos does everyone suggest?
I should be right with the malt profile, but might get some opinion on that also later down the track.