Hey bindi I wouldnt mind grabing 2L, do you have a container to bring some down in? and whats the recommended usage rate?
Edit: found it 1ml per litre.
If possible, could I also score 2L. I will be at Ross' tomorrow arvo too.IF I can make it I will bring down 2L, and yes 1ml per litre and I store it in well marked glass up high in the shed away from "rug rats", I have grand kids old enough to know but friends kids [read brats] I don't know. :unsure:
How much per Litre are you selling this for Bindi??
Is it really OK to store it in a clear glass container? It certainly breaks down pretty fast in the open. Our bulk source supplier in the west provides purpose designed black plastic bottles to decant the bulk container to.
Only just found this post$6 a Litre......Bloody cheap
you will need to supply [or buy] an acid proof container, large glass jars is what most people have used for storage.
Don't fret, I will hold atleast 1L for you.my fault -- I should've sent a PM instead ....
just got to try to get up to the sunny coast :huh: before you run out