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Hi too the new members

Mothballs what HB shop is it , not that living in wa at the present will matter to me
Batz the HBS is brewers choice at coopers plains.

Hello everyone, Im new to this site and would love to introduce myself. Im going to have a guess and i think i am the youngest homebrewer here, Im only 17 and im a serious homebrewer.

I have taken over a part of my dads garage with my fridge, my bench and shelves. I started at the begining of the year and have done about 30 odd kit and kilos.

I am about to buy some kegs and looking to go AG somewhere down the track.

Im still at school and looking to go into property sometime in the future (like renovating). The funny thing that has changed is that my friends no longer bring beer around they all love my beer and they have all had a lesson in storing and pouring homebrew.

Happy brewing everyone! Scotty :)
hi scotty - welocome aboard.

Where are you from - as your location field is not filled out.
Hi All,

Lurked for awhile, brewed for not long eneough (20 years on and off).

I remembered my first attempts in the true K&K days-Oh we have come so far!!

Im an extract brewer whom likes the challenge of combinning bulk LME hops and yeast in the attempt to produce good beers to stick it up those whom say brewing is hard and produces bad beer. Well I think Ive done it, maybe some of you (ok maybe a lot of you ) may disagree.

Eitherway a fantastic forum, I have a lot to learn as I head for AG and thanks in advance for your advice.

Cheers BDB
welcome to the site big dog and to the ones before you as site that im sure you all will enjoy and reap the benifits of brewing knowledge from across the country.

big d

Lets get something straight Mr D. There is only one BIG dog brewing on this site. And that is owned and operated by Guest Lurker with all profits drunk by same.

I believe you are addressing BLACK dog brewing.

And a big welcome to Black Dog Brewing. Plenty of great beers made with bulk LME. But, I would suggest, maybe not the lighter styles.
Hey Lurker, you are a much bigger a dog than me...............

Thanks for the welcome and your right, most of my beers currently are 6% plus. Makes for a short night of drinking but I do enjoy a nice heavy ale.

Cheers BDB
Hi, just joined up.

Full mash brewer making mostly English beer styles (usually at the quaffing beer end of the hydrometer).

Used to brew in England a few years ago, but it went out the window for time reasons for a while. Restarted over here in May. First couple of brews had bad phenolic problems, but got them fixed and scored a third place for my Dark Mild at VicBrew :D

Not really an introduction because I've been on here for a while now, but just to say I've changed my handle from KenEasy to RobW.

Welcome Sean, congratulations on the placing in the VicBrew, any change of posting the recipe?
jleske said:
Welcome Sean, congratulations on the placing in the VicBrew, any change of posting the recipe?
Ok - on the VicBrew thread.
Hi Sean in Mildura,
have you visited the Grand Theatre Micro yet? A few of us here know the brewer, Stephen.
Let us know what you think of the beer.

Hi all,
Been having a squizz for a while thought I would introduce myself.
Having my third crack at HB after being dissapointed with the results of K+K with the last two attempts.
Found Grumpies recently and this renewed my enthusiasm to start again!!
I'm a Forester in NW Tasmania ( apparently the spawn of Satan so I have been told more than once!!)
I'm trying to sample every beer I can get my hands on to educate my tongue and hope to move to AG with in the next 12 months.
Things I love to do are fish, dive for abalone and cray and drink beer while eating the afore mentioned.
Hard to find good HB suppliers in the NW of Tas but Grumpies has been a revelation.
Hi to all

Believe 2/10ths of what you read and 1/10th of what you hear!
tdh said:
Hi Sean in Mildura,
have you visited the Grand Theatre Micro yet? A few of us here know the brewer, Stephen.
Let us know what you think of the beer.

I've only visited briefly so far. The building is very impressive - they've done a superb job of restoring the place, and the brewing kit makes a very impressive backdrop.

I haven't tried all the beers yet, but opinion so far is that they are clean and well made, but a little bit unexciting and characterless. Which probably suits the audience they are aimed at.

I haven't met Stephen yet, but I'm sure I will in due course.

Howshe all,
Just noticed Tas Chris's intro and thought i'd better do the same as i've been watching also and we discussed this site today....
Anyway I work in the bush also but not quite the same as Tas Chris (more hands on!!!!).. This is my 2nd try at brewing with alot better results this time but still only kits

go the 4 b's ( big bottles and big ****s) .
hi everyone,
My name is jamie and I'm from melbourne.

I've been brewing for a couple of years on and off, and only using kits. I was convinced up to recently that a good beer could only be produced by a commercial brewery, but now i'm starting to think different.
I've recently bought a kegging system, and am planning on moving onto extract brewing fairly soon. However it turns out, I'll always be a huge pisshead when it comes to drinking beer.
I also like a bit of surfing and being a musician when i'm not drinking beer, which aint that often.
apologies gl looks like i got my big mixed up with black. ;) meant black dog
ive met your dogs and they are BIG.

big d
hey all

my names matt, ive been only brewing for about a year,and havent done heaps of brews, but im getting a good grip on things now.

im just using the kit brews, nut am looking at expanding futher
also wanna start brewing different beers, and experimenting more

Sean said:
I haven't tried all the beers yet, but opinion so far is that they are clean and well made, but a little bit unexciting and characterless. Which probably suits the audience they are aimed at.
I heard the same thing, poor old stephen has been asked to make swill!

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