Ummm, Show and Tell, eh?
was given a Coopers kit and some bits and pieces mid '99, put them away, homebrewschmomebrew, didn't do anything with it, talked to someone, HB 10c a stubbie. THAT got my attention! So off to HBS I go, purchase starter kit, yadda yadda.
Three "brews" later, yawning as I poured in one more can of syrup and ripped open one more bag of dextrose. Looked for better ways, tried an extract batch of Theakstons Old Peculier, dreadful. Found my way to partial mash, did that for a year, bought a Rubbermaid-cooler type mashtun and moved on to all grain.
Liked the brewing thaty much, I bought, err, set up a brewshop, Adelaide's best!
That's me!
Jovial Monk