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:ph34r: Hey I didnt mean to scare anyone off with my mugshot.
I think its a cool feature anyway.

jayse, I use the same handle at Grumpys site but I havent posted too much there.

G'day. I'm another Brisbane brewer. In Salisbury.
Hi everyone, my name is Steve and I live at St Clair in Sydney. I work in IT (not another one) and have just put down my first home brew in about 12 years.

About 3 weeks ago I was doing a search on the net for something and found a link to Grumpy's, then The Country Brewer. After checking out both sites, I was hooked. I rushed down to the local TCB at Penrith and bought a whole new kit. My old kit was long ago turned into scrap, so I had to start all over again.

Anywho, I finally scrounged enough bottles to start fermenting. It is a Black Rock Export Pilsner with body brew and hallertau hops.

I can't beleive how much home brewing has changed since I last tried it, with all the different additives, hops etc. I think I'll stick to kit brews for a while and then work my way up to the fancy stuff.

Forums like this are pure gold, I have picked up so much info in the last few weeks. Many thanks to you all.


hows it going nifty
same thing here i used to brew years ago.then when i found some nice brew info on the net i went out and grabbed my fermentor.what happened was it crumbled into little pieces from being in the sun too long when i tried to pick it up.
now i have more fermentors than pint glasses.
and a brewery in the shed.
watch it though these forums will start to take up a large amount of your time.
How's it going guys? I'm Wozza from Bondi, originally from Wales. Work as a Cad Manager for a building services consultant in Chatswood, Sydney. Happily married with a 14 year old son and a 22 year old daughter, who's off to the UK next week for a look about.

I used to brew a fair amount in the UK back in the 80's - all grain, and have just started again. Don't know why the hell I stopped, but Jeez, there's a lot more information available these days. I didn't realise how little I knew. God knows how my previous attempts ever turned out OK! I'm soaking up information from forums like this one and Grumpy's.

Did my first brew about 4 weeks ago, the second last week and I'm wondering if I can squeeze one in this weekend, 'cept I may have a mild hangover on Sunday after the Roosters kick some serious Bulldog butt (see you at the Grand Final, Spanner!).

Spending way too much time thinking about how I can improve my brewing setup and drooling over some of the piccies posted here. Fiscus, you've done a great job, mate. Full marks. And a quick thanks to Doc for all those jokes. Just read the 'You know if you're a home brewer if...' list. Brilliant.

Well done to everyone who contributes - I hope I can be usefull at some time myself.

What a great way to spend your leisure time - making beer!
I guess I'll add a little more self-info...

I'm 25 and I work as a purification scientist. I've been brewing for a couple of years, slowly building up methods and skills. Found these fora, saw all sorts of things I had learnt the hard way, found other good ideas that I am implementing.

Married, no kids, Broncos supporter, AFwhat?
Ah dear, a Roosters and a Broncos fan. They let anyone in here these days :D

Could just be sour grapes though.
Welcome fellas.

Go you Mighty Knights!

your right jayse, reading all these forum topics takes up a lot of time. Luckily I can log in at work and do some serious reading, and it even looks like I'm doing real work.

Bloody hell, Murray - we'd better watch the grammar from now on...

What's happened to the Broncos, mate? We need a strong side North of the border for State of Origin. Will it be the Cowboys supplying the bulk of the team? Wish we still had Matty Sing.

Better luck next year, Gough.
Wozza said:
What's happened to the Broncos, mate? We need a strong side North of the border for State of Origin. Will it be the Cowboys supplying the bulk of the team? Wish we still had Matty Sing.
Heh, simple answer, we have a pretty average side at the moment. A lot of young, very highly overrated players.
Yeah, always next year... As long as Joey can keep his neck in one piece.

Anyway, brewing eh....

My name is Tim, just turned 24. Been in the Navy almost 8 years but leaving soon.

Live in West Ryde, I'm a leo, like knitting and quiet walks down the beach drinking west coast coolers.
HA Ha just kidding.
Been brewing since 2001. only just moved into kegging, also do sprirts(shhhhh!)
ok timmy im a cop and going to visit you

only joking mate
Well i've been posting here for long enough so it's probably about time that i told a bit about myself.

I'm 22 (which probably makes me pretty young it seems) and going to uni (UWA), hence the fascination with cheap piss and brewing something that will still get you drunk but you will ENJOY drinking and won't give you as much of a head ache.

I've done 7 brews to date - the first two were stuck ferments which i bottled anyway (paranoia about infections) and subsequently developed into WMD's. since then the brews have all come off well, and i've done a wheat, couple of coopers draughts and two grumpy's masterbrews. i'm having a heap of fun doing it and really want to learn to make something drinkable before i move onto kegging.

i haven't developed too much of a preference for styles yet because i was raised on swan draught and emu bitter all my life.

oh yeah, and i'm from perth...

Gidday all. I'm a yank who enjoys making and drinking great beer. You see, until recently all beer here in the States was bland, tastless swill the equivalent of alcoholic soda pop. I have been brewing for ten plus years now. My first brew was a kit. I went to the local homebrew shop to get a refill. Next thing I know I plunked down the ol' Visa card and walked out with a cajun cooker, a six gallon brewpot, a lauter tun, hot liquer tank, two 6.5 gallon carbouys etc. etc. 5kg of Belgian pale malt, 1 kg of Belgian Dark candi sugar, Wyeast Trappist Ale strain, a few grams of Hallertauer, a book, and the determination to brew great beer. Three weeks later I was enjoying an authentic Trappist ale. Just goes to show, with today's high quality highly modified malts, it is almost impossible to screw up-- even for a rookie yank like I was. So I've been brewing all grain ever since.

Don't get me wrong. I still brew some steeped-grain full boil extract stuff and even an occasional no- boil kit. It really does not matter how you brew, homebrewed beer is ten times more tasty than anything you can get in a bottle from the grocier and therefore homebrew is almost always great and almost always the best! I say "almost" because I have tasted some beers where something went horribly wrong-- but not many.

I hope my presence here is acceptable to all of you even though I'm not an Aussie. All the Austrailians I've met have been great friendly people with a real passion for life. I have a real passion for great beer and for homebrewing and I hope to have lots of fun here.

welcome yankee. :)

spread the word!
Yeah, welcome Yankee. I think you were a little generous in your praise of mainstream American beer though :D

I am in the pilbara of Western Australia , been here 22 years , I work for a mining company and do shift work , days then nights all 12 hour shifts.
Been brewing over 20 years now , kits for most of the time but now doing partial mashes.

I am building my all grain at present and hope to have it up and running in a month or so ( will post pics )

Love homebrew and the friendships it makes , will be in Perth and Adelaide sometime soon hope to catch up with a few of you.
Oh moving to Queensland in the next couple of years.
And I am 47

Cheers Batz
Jeez, this thread's gone off like a frog in a sock...

Hi all, my name's Rowan and I work in Defence here in Canberra as a Project Manager. I'm originally from Victoria (go the Big V, Jazman!), but I was posted here in 1991 when I was in the RAAF and stayed on here to go to Uni after getting out of the Air Force in 1999. Nowadays I work as a humble public servant...:D

I brewed originally to save money, and it was all kit and kilo crap. This site and a couple of others in the US have given me a hell of a lot more info than the rubbish that's printed on the little folding instruction sheets that come with the kits.. Yeah, I know, throw them (and the kits) away!! ;)

Although I have been brewing since 1995, it is only in the last 12 months or so that I have gone to malts with added hops, partial boils, racking and bulk priming. I would like to get into all grain brews, but we are a bit busy at home - I have a boy turning 2 in December and squid number two is due at the end of this month :blink: so I am lucky to get enough time to sit down and have a beer, let alone brew any of it!!

Favourite brews? Well, I like Bavarian Lagers, good Kilkenny clones and I want to get into some rich and malty porters so if anyone has a good Fuller's London Porter clone recipe, please let me know! I'm going to brew a wheat beer (using my last can - a Brewiser Wheat Beer) because I've never drunk the stuff and I want to get rid of the kits and go to the next level of alcoholic devotion - extract brewing! I hope to go to one of the local brew clubs tastings when I can get time off from home duties so I can taste what other brewed delights are possible on a budget!



P.S. Welcome to the forum Yankee Brewer - tell your mates about us...
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