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BJB said:
Is there somewhere I can find out how much postage would be, or do I have to sign-up first.?
Pretty flat rate I think. I'm in Tas and freight here is never great. I'm $11 freight, same as many but they'll tell you accurately if it differs.

Sign up process will also tell you before you commit.
Couple of disappointing beers last night that tasted like they had packaging and/or storage issues. As fas as I know IBC really look after their stuff from purchase to import. I think my partizan porter may not have been sealed properly (stubbie wasn't quite full and maybe that explains the wet box). One other tasted like it had got too warm and the yeast was breaking down.

However just cracked the leffe with cascade and oh my.

Beautiful beer.
Having the porter now and it doesn't taste like a Porter. There is a very prominent citrus lemon note in the taste... can't really pinpoint what it is? Bottle was full however it seemed to hiss harder than normal when I opened it as if it had built up more pressure than a regular beer.

Spewing. What was the other one you had an issue with?
Shared the Belgian Stout tonight.

In a word, sensational. I think I may need to try and get another bottle of that.
Had one left from last month, the imperial Porter-ish (Tsarina Esra). Wow. Dark fruit and dark caramel galore. That's cold straight out of fridge, keen to see what it's like warmed up a bit!!
Brewman_ said:
Shared the Belgian Stout tonight.

In a word, sensational. I think I may need to try and get another bottle of that.
Thanks for sharing - sensational is a fair description
DJ_L3ThAL said:
Having the porter now and it doesn't taste like a Porter. There is a very prominent citrus lemon note in the taste... can't really pinpoint what it is? Bottle was full however it seemed to hiss harder than normal when I opened it as if it had built up more pressure than a regular beer.
Spewing. What was the other one you had an issue with?
The Noblesse hoppy pale.
Oh I'm surprised, sounds like your straw was slightly shorter than miner. Having the Noblesse now and it's divine, so well balanced. Would never ever have picked it was 7% ABV. Tastes like 4.5% if that (in a good way).
Yeah unsure what happened but just to get the stout and that Leffe made it worth it.
Arrived today.
I think this month was put together with me in mind.
2 strong porters, offerings from both leffe and duvel and a flemish ale.

Could only be better if I got a bonus quad for being a good boy.
I've been a member of their beer club for over 3 years now and can't speak highly enough of IBC. I've recently moved interstate and one of my monthly 6 packs got lost in transit, as my new address apparently didn't update in time in their system. After a quick email they sought to track the package through the courier, but when this failed, promptly sent another pack. Great communication throughout. Happy to support this great family run small business.
DJ_L3ThAL said:
The Duvel was f-ing awesome.
Haven't had that one yet.

I dropped in there the other day to talk beer.

While I was in there I spotted a couple of gems in the fridge, so I picked up a few beers. Two of which I have tried
Troubadour Magma. Belgian IPA. I loved this beer. Such a complex well balanced beer. Hopped with Simcoe. It's like old world and new world beer combining.
And it's brother the Brett Spiked Troubadour Magma. I think this one was a 2015 specialty. Sensational. I can't say which one I prefer, just both.

I was so impressed I have actually just kicked off a clone of each. Yeast pitched last night. 3787 Trappist High Gravity in the non Brett Magma. I had couple of spare packs of the 3789 Trappist Blend that has the Brett, so that went into the Brett spiked fermenter. If these come out anything like what these beers were I will be a happy man.
And again - kees 1750 porter. More like an RIS.
Loads of dark chocolate and bitter espresso, bitter, sweet and woody all at the same time.
My wife messaged me while I'm out at this bucks night. She drank one of them which was 12% and said it felt like 4% and now she feels very very tipsy.

Dunno which one she had, but I'll check later Tommoz...