Imported And Bul

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Imported Dutch and German beers usually have a very nice hop nose. A reasonable benchmark is to go to Liquorland and get a six pack of Bavaria which despite its name is an old Dutch brewery at Lieshout, and a six pack of Konig Pils from Germany. The Saaz, Hersbrucker or whatever really hits you as you open the bottle - waay different to Australian domestic beers that usually only have a bittering hop addition or a squirt of extract on the way to the bottling line.

Bribie, I may be wrong but I was under the impression that Konig used hop extract. Not sure of the method or the similarity between this one and the hop extract you refer to with the Australian beers.
Not trying to start an arguement, but isn't physics working against this happenning?
If there is always positive pressure inside the bottle,how does the gas get in?

Diffusion. Oxygen wants to get into the bottle as there's plenty on the outside and none/very little on the inside. Yes, the pressure in the bottle makes it slower, but when you think solely about the pressure of the Oxygen (partial pressure), that's the driving force. Yeah, it's very slow.
at most of the bigger bottlos, dans and first choice , they quite often have import and bul stellas next to each other.i have tried them side by side a few times out of curiosity and always find the import has a much fuller flavour and is more enjoyable. the buls on the other hand seem insiped and almost watery in comparison.if freshness is the key ill take the green bottled oxidised one instead every time!
Bribie, I may be wrong but I was under the impression that Konig used hop extract. Not sure of the method or the similarity between this one and the hop extract you refer to with the Australian beers.

Yes, and also Oettinger and Bamberger ( the mob who put out the litre can of beer and the litre steins a couple of years ago) - however they maybe use a different method of extraction because I always seem to get a good hop aroma hit with them as well.

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