Hey Bribie, so ill put you in the list for this Beer for comsumption at the Swap?? (trying to get a feel for what the drinking kegs/beers are for the day... :icon_drool2: )Whatever is left of the Landlord style UK ale I am taking to the case swap
Should have given them Fosters:icon_offtopic: i had an open bar at my wedding, and went to the trouble of making sure they had a selection of my favourite beers, as my wedding was in NY USA i made sure there were a few aussie ones in there like little creatures pale, james squire golden ale and coopers sparkling. the motto of the story... the beer was barely touched, and all the guys were drinking jd and coke and the women champagne or mixed cocktails. 20 cases of imported australian beer was left over and because we left 2 days later i drunk 2 and left the rest with the wifes cousin, lucky bastard.
Should have given them Fostersh34r:
Fantastic idea.... if only i can convince my missus to let me do this when we tie the knot although it is a long way fro us to cart kegs considering we live in SA and plan to get hitched it QLD but what the hell.
Best of luck and please keep us up to date on what you decide
Serious question (which will draw fire from all corners, I have no doubt), what does the missus reckon of this idea?
The answer to my question is the answer to yours.
Marriage is a big, risk-filled commitment.
I'd just stick with brewing! ^_^
hey man look at brew by you. they hire keg setups and do a good brew too at about $150 for 50 ltrs and not much work for u .
"can i please have $2000 of the wedding money to make some beer and beer making equiptment...." .............
Happy wife - happy life. Brew with confidence.i have her full support now
I went AG with under 10% of that figure and while my setup is the cheapest, shittiest one around I think you'll be able to convince her to give you between $300 and $500, particularly if you compare it to the savings you'll actually be making (compare commercial litres of beer to yours).