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Howdy all,
not a new member, but a returned member. Had a pause in brewing for about 5 or 6 years. Mainly used to do kits, extract, and some steeping. When I finished up I had started doing all grain BIAB in a Crown urn and made a few batches of 4 Pines Pale Ale which is my absolute favourite beer in the entire world. They turned out great. But anyway, with all the bother (time, effort etc) I decided it was easier to just buy it, and I stopped altogether. Last brew was early 2018.
I had some kegging gear but never got around to setting it up.
During covid I cleaned out the garage and got rid of my bottles, about 300 coopers long necks and 300 330ml's. I was sick of moving them around the garage everytime I wanted to get at something.

A few months back I dug out the keg gear and set it up for soda water with tap on the fridge door (was my old fermenting fridge, now being used as just a fridge). The soda water was very refreshing, and then the brewing bug bit me again, so now there are two taps on the fridge.

Have resumed by doing a few FWK's - Grain and Grape Fergs Oatmeal stout is awesome by the way, just kegged a mercenary pale ale today, and a cider will be next in the fermenter (hopefully later today).
Kegging is so much easier.

Will need to get another ferment fridge hopefully before the weather gets warm again.
