If There Was Only One ?

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Maris Otter
Pommy crystal
Whitbread yeast
Fullers ESB
Munich 1
Premium pilsner
Hallertou M
2487 Hellabock

Clear candi sugar

I could make a some good booz with that selection. Doomsday prepping in style!
jyo? Is that you? If not, you have a twin...

Haha! Only just saw this thread.

Galaxy Malt (I do want to say GP, but I would need versatility)
USO5 (fake me up a lager if need be)
Bairds medium crystal
Styrians (Plugs) or cascade (I don't get two choices do I :p )
Golden Syrup
Samuel Smith's IPA
Id start saving can kits
Because who else would save this ****
But in the light of darkness
I would still have something that resembles BEER
All you you ***** will run out real quick
Can Kits take up **** all room
And who else would collect this **** in the light of AG
What a star i am :D
Anyone want a Beer
In the Hypothetic world
Id start saving can kits
Because who else would save this ****
But in the light of darkness
I would still have something that resembles BEER
All you you ***** will run out real quick
Can Kits take up **** all room
And who else would collect this **** in the light of AG
What a star i am :D
Anyone want a Beer
In the Hypothetic world

yasmani.....is that you?

funny much pishab.
cosidering the end of the world scenario i would go with cry havoc yeast seeing as charlie papazion uses it for every style he brews ale and lager, so with a complete lack of power for temp control you could just brew with the seasons more easily. any good pils malt should do so you have the options of roasting yourself to a darker colour(in a camp oven over a wood fire maybe?) for darker beers or leaving as is for lagers in winter.spec malt i would have carahell for the same reasons as the pils, its easy to darken a light malt but impossible to lighten a darker one.hops is a bit more difficult but i think galaxy could work well with its high alpha and fruity flavour. you could use very small amounts at 90 mins as a pure bittering hop on lagers and blonde ales and such while adding very little flavour or it could be just as acceptable as a flavour and aroma hop for ipa and apa style beers. as for the specialty ingredient that would be up to what i could scavenge at the time, could be herbs and spices or fruit found growing wild or sugar taken from an empty dwelling, im happy to leave that one completly to chance.

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