Hey Mate,
It shouldn't really take alot of effort to get the temp monitor / logging going all your going to need is
at least one or two temperature sensors, Dallas DS18B20 (you can get free samples from maxim website or they are a couple of bucks off ebay)
1 x arduino compatable microcontroller
1 x 4.7K resistor
some wire / solder / heat shrink / thermowell (could use a dip tube, racking cane...) etc
from there you could add a ssr to your hlt and get some temperauture control going, it's quite flexible.
for the microcontroller i grabbed one of these
which is serial, becuase i run the microcontroller in the shed, its quite a distance from the computer in the house.
but if you wanted USB to plug into a laptop or something, this would do the trick
as you can see everything is dirt cheap even if u were a real scrooge you could get something up and running for nix!