I Want Your Wort

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Beer Soaked Philosopher
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Have moved from K & K recipes into malt amd mini mash stage. I'm relatively happy with the results but would like to try some all grain results to see if you bastards and your beer are as good as you claim. Anyone out there interested in having me turn up one weekend, watch you mash and tun and wort hog about, then let me take a few litres back for conditioning / bottling. Read the Grape and Grain advert and they have wort to take away. Melbourne too far away. Anyone do this in Sydney or south coast (I'm 4 hours drive south of Sydney) ? Am keen to see the process of full mash and easte some of your results
I'm relatively happy with the results but would like to try some all grain results to see if you bastards and your beer are as good as you claim. Anyone out there interested in having me turn up one weekend, watch you mash and tun and wort hog about, then let me take a few litres back for conditioning / bottling.

Hey Fatgodzilla,

not sure if you'll get a decent response with this request....but I digress.

After reading much about this claim of AG v K+K it seems that the FWK's are a decent benchmark of good AG. On NDBrewing's website there is a retailer on the Sth Coast, for $35 you can measure their claim yourself.

FWIW, I have tried these FWKs and they are very good. I would consider they are around 10% better than the best extract/grain beer I can produce.

I agree, go for the fresh wort kit.

It really makes you wonder why you would bother with K&K the difference is so dramatic.
Costs a few bucks more than the better kits but is worth the money.

There is no way the average home brewer doing AG could produce something better.
If they could they too would be selling it. (However, I suspect some will argue that one)

Re: AG. It's an art form. There a bit a Zen in there. From the artists perspectice it really dosn't matter what it tastes like. Nobody it going to say their own baby is ugly !!

I agree, go for the fresh wort kit.

It really makes you wonder why you would bother with K&K the difference is so dramatic.
Costs a few bucks more than the better kits but is worth the money.

There is no way the average home brewer doing AG could produce something better.
If they could they too would be selling it. (However, I suspect some will argue that one)

Re: AG. It's an art form. There a bit a Zen in there. From the artists perspectice it really dosn't matter what it tastes like. Nobody it going to say their own baby is ugly !!

Sorry, couple points here I totally disagree with...

Fresh Wort Kits are designed almost to be a blank canvas in a way, they're designed to be pretty standard beers that have room for adjustment whether it be by late hopping, addition of extra fermentables, dilution rates, yeast, etc. Also, you would find the average AG brewer would have a fairly sturdy fermentation regime with yeast handling, temperature control and racking skills, whereas a kit brewer may not realise the importance of such skills and end up with a very crappy fresh wort beer.

The reason why most AG brewers (who can easily rival and beat the quality of FWKs) do not sell their wort is that their breweries are designed to make a single batch at a time, exponentially increasing brewing time, cleaning time, etc. over larger microbreweries who can pump out hundreds of FWKs in a single batch.

As for the "Artists Perspective" bit. I see where you're coming from but most AG homebrewers brew for the love of beer, and for themselves. If you do not like a brew, and you made it for yourself, it is a problem. You don't say your baby is ugly because you cannot just pour it down the drain having wasted $20 and a brewday on it and start again (alternatively for the other problem you can just spend $2 on a franger and never have the problem!). If brewing beer for yourself wasn't about it tasting good, why the hell would someone spend money on a proper brewery and spend so much time brewing AG beer?

I agree, go for the fresh wort kit.

It really makes you wonder why you would bother with K&K the difference is so dramatic.
Costs a few bucks more than the better kits but is worth the money.

There is no way the average home brewer doing AG could produce something better.
If they could they too would be selling it. (However, I suspect some will argue that one)

Re: AG. It's an art form. There a bit a Zen in there. From the artists perspectice it really dosn't matter what it tastes like. Nobody it going to say their own baby is ugly !!

FWK's are good. But, any suffiently obsessed home brewer can do better, or worse, because its the same principles no matter if its 20 lt or 20 hl.
Today I brewed an ofest with weyermann munich 1, decoction mash, Taurus, Hallertau and Hersbrucker hops, and capped of with WYeast ofest blend. I dont think many FWK manufacturers would, or could justfy going to such lengths, and hence it will be better.
Artist and Zen? Theres also chemistry, mathematics and engineering involved in turning out a decent beer, you need the wall before you paint the mural.
Oh, and I have tipped out beers because they tasted like crap.

Fatgodzilla, Im sure you'll find someone to teach you.


Like Ive seen many times before...

...fill out your location in your controls area and you might find a grain masher in your neighbourhood!!!
Have moved from K & K recipes into malt amd mini mash stage. I'm relatively happy with the results but would like to try some all grain results to see if you bastards and your beer are as good as you claim. Anyone out there interested in having me turn up one weekend, watch you mash and tun and wort hog about, then let me take a few litres back for conditioning / bottling. Read the Grape and Grain advert and they have wort to take away. Melbourne too far away. Anyone do this in Sydney or south coast (I'm 4 hours drive south of Sydney) ? Am keen to see the process of full mash and easte some of your results

I'm not going to jump into the pros/cons of fresh wort kits, except to say they pursuaded me to go AG ASAP. That said, I still do the odd one :). So, get your hands on a fresh work kit & give it a go - call gerard for some advice on suitable dilution rates/dry hopping/yeast for the particular cube you get.

Now back to your original question, i'm in Sydney & if you want to come up & experience an AG brew day, PM me & we can sort something out.

I think you've missed an important step in that after mashing & making the wort, a brewer still needs to ferment the wort to make beer. You can't just condition & bottle wort - unless you like drinking sweet non-alcoholic water :D ) If you have a spare cube & chuck in some $ to cover ingredients, you can take a full fresh wort cube (15-25l) home with you.

I'm not going to jump into the pros/cons of fresh wort kits, except to say they pursuaded me to go AG ASAP. That said, I still do the odd one :). So, get your hands on a fresh work kit & give it a go - call gerard for some advice on suitable dilution rates/dry hopping/yeast for the particular cube you get.

Now back to your original question, i'm in Sydney & if you want to come up & experience an AG brew day, PM me & we can sort something out.

I think you've missed an important step in that after mashing & making the wort, a brewer still needs to ferment the wort to make beer. You can't just condition & bottle wort - unless you like drinking sweet non-alcoholic water :D ) If you have a spare cube & chuck in some $ to cover ingredients, you can take a full fresh wort cube (15-25l) home with you.

At last, someone who half read my original posting. Good tip on the fermenting. Due to sporting commitments (kids soccer) would like to come to big smoke after September. Will contact you then and see if offer still open and we can find a good time. Thanks.
At last, someone who half read my original posting. Good tip on the fermenting. Due to sporting commitments (kids soccer) would like to come to big smoke after September. Will contact you then and see if offer still open and we can find a good time. Thanks.


The IBU's based all over the Illawarra get together occasionally and are on the Forum list. Jump on!


The IBU's based all over the Illawarra get together occasionally and are on the Forum list. Jump on!


Thank you. Found site (pity I couldn't have found it earlier). Put name down. Saw some pictures. Everyone as ugly as me, so I won't look out of place. Feeling so happy I'll open a beer.

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