I Broke My Thingy

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Uh, Detective Parson, madam.
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Marvellous Margate. Qld, that is !!
Cleaning up after the last brew, washed my hydrometer and put it back in its tube, the bottom of which promptly fell out and the hydro smashed into a gazillion bits on the kitchen tiles.

Brewing today and remembered I had an old pommy one in a dark corner. Got it out and WTF it only goes to 1040!!!! That isn't going to cut it with the Golden Strong I'm brewing.
The person that designed that hydro must be soft in the head.

1040 ????????
My first hydrometer was a Brigalow that maxed out at 1040. For a long while I wasn't aware you could go any higher. Breaking it in a brew is what led me here.
Phew I moment I thought you had tripped over your thingy again and done a real misery. :lol:

Poms rarely getting anything right so why would they with Homebrewing? ;)
you could always dilute your OG sample by half with water and that would give you an indication x2.

It should come in under 1040 in a diluted sample unless of course its a monster over 1080 OG.


edit: just read the recipe and your expecting 1080 :huh:
My first hydrometer was a Brigalow that maxed out at 1040. For a long while I wasn't aware you could go any higher. Breaking it in a brew is what led me here.

Actually -in- a brew, manticle?
Bad luck Campbell, time for a refract!

Bindi used to say his Hydrometer started at 1.050 his Belgians gave evidence to the fact :lol:

in a moment of madness I bought one of these from woolies a few year ago, The most useless piece of shit in my shed.
I initially used it for F/G readings and found they were all over the joint high high high, the beer didnt taste like this. I then calibrated it against the sponsors model and found huge difference, the main being the smaller brigalow model was being "raised" by the co content of the sample, hence giving an above reading. It took me a while before I sorted what my poor attentuation problem was.
Brigalow may just be responsible for some of the shittest brewing products available.

Who wants a finishing hop tablet?
I've got one.
I just can't stop checking it against the hydro. I guess now's the time to start trusting it more.

When studying in the eighties, met a guy who used to do long formulae calculations on paper to see if his calculator was correct :lol:

you could always dilute your OG sample by half with water and that would give you an indication x2.

It should come in under 1040 in a diluted sample unless of course its a monster over 1080 OG.


edit: just read the recipe and your expecting 1080 :huh:
not a bad idea

Brigalow may just be responsible for some of the shittest brewing products available.

Who wants a finishing hop tablet?
yeah, I saw them at Kmart the other day when I was buying some PET bottle tops... what are they? It doesn't even say what type of hop is in there... I'd rather buy fresh stuff.
Broke my coopers hydrometer on my second brew (same thing, the bottom fell out of the tube) so I rushed out and bought a brigalow one.

Unfortunately I'm still using it, It sits at 1.000 in 20 degree water and the results I've gotten from it are usually what I expect, but, obviously, I don't have a good one to benchmark with so.... But a new one is definitely on my list, the brigalow one is a bit fiddly and I have to fill my (now solid) hydrometer tube with quite a lot of beer if I want to be able to get it out without tiping it all out (I like to sip while I bottle).
I was referring to the brigalow finishing hop tablet which has no detailed hop source and adds nothing to aroma or flavour. It basically contains hop oils and will aid head retention (and I noticed a difference when I used them, knowing no better). Considering the easy availability of actual hops, it seems like a waste of time in hindsight.
I was referring to the brigalow finishing hop tablet which has no detailed hop source and adds nothing to aroma or flavour. It basically contains hop oils and will aid head retention (and I noticed a difference when I used them, knowing no better). Considering the easy availability of actual hops, it seems like a waste of time in hindsight.

Those thing sare the same as what i referenced (AFAIK). A bloke had an empty packet at Greensy to see if dave would stock em. It shure as hell smelt like hops and it had been empty for a few days. He swore by them and loved the results. I prefer fresh hops too but even Dave was impressed with the beer he produced with that and a kit. According to Dave, that bloke really knows how to whip out a good kit.
yep put my brigalow hydro in to storage and bought a decient one from lhbs after brewing a stout and the damn thing maxed out
I broke one hydrometer. Realised not to hold it in your hand when you turn the tap on :eek: could the brigalow ones be calibrated to 15 deg??? as it seems all the US sites for calculating true SG is all calculated at 15 deg not 20deg as I found both the ones I have had are

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