I Am A Homebrewer & I Vow Never To.......

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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... use raw chicken in my recipe, regardless of what the Limeys of ancient days thought of it!
Let Megaswill pass my lips unless its disguised as a Microbrew :)
...STOP pouring it into the dish of the day that I am preparing :beer:

..... run out of beer :party:
...bang on about how I'm going to go professional some day :D

(of course, some vows are made to be broken)
i vow never to comment in this thread again

gud thred

I think I got an idea of the yeast Devo vowed never to put in his beer...
... Never to buy VB, wrestle a monkey, drink VB, throw a dwarf, think about VB, sleep with my sister or put the word 'Premium' on my label.



Never, ever, put S*#t on someone elses homebrew, unless it is constructive.

I also pledge never to appear, again, in a K-Mart catalogue as a hand model or use the word never.
Hmmmm.....chocolately goo :chug:
Mars Bar porter! I claim thee!
I Am A Homebrewer & I Vow Never To.......

Test my beer on small animals eg No Animal Cruelty will take place in the production of my brew.
put hops in my pillow at night whilst they smell nice ,they broke open in the bed and jee they are itchy and now the missus has a nasty rash and blames me !!!

pumpy :blink:
Win the crash test dummy award for a least 12 months :blink:


Test my beer on small animals eg No Animal Cruelty will take place in the production of my brew.

For those of us less politically correct could you recommend any small animals that are good to add to beer production?

I'm always willing to try something new.
Anything that doesn't have a lot of hair and doesn't like sweet liquids.
You don't want the little buggers drinking their way out.

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