Big may be my fair share of amber ale, but I hear you loud and clear.
I'm fortunate enough to live around the corner from Grain and Grape in Melbourne, so I'm not left wanting...but I'm one of the lucky ones.
Unfortunately, for many retailers, it's a matter of the buck before a bargain.
I remember getting horrible advice when I first started out with a Coopers kits on my 21st birthday (almost 10 years ago). I can't repeat what the 'expert' said, but it would keep most of us up at night.
Without hijacking this thread any further, I just thank that there are some QUALITY retailers know who you are
I'm fortunate enough to live around the corner from Grain and Grape in Melbourne, so I'm not left wanting...but I'm one of the lucky ones.
Unfortunately, for many retailers, it's a matter of the buck before a bargain.
I remember getting horrible advice when I first started out with a Coopers kits on my 21st birthday (almost 10 years ago). I can't repeat what the 'expert' said, but it would keep most of us up at night.
Without hijacking this thread any further, I just thank that there are some QUALITY retailers know who you are