Hydrom Electronic Hydrometer

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Hello, there is currently a bit of debate in another thread as to the worth of Hydrom Electronic Hydrometer. As per a suggestion I think it's worthy of it's own topic so lets go.
The Hydrom is an Electronic Hydrometer that is very similiar in design to the Ispindel, I believe the developer was actually one of the developers of the 1st Ispindel concept so he has been around for a while and has some knowledge of electronic Hydrometers.
THe Hydrom is Available in Australia from the Distributer Keg King and is currently priced at $99 plus postage if needed.
I purchased the Hydrom and have so far used it in 3 brews, both Apollo Pet and Keg King Stainless and have np problems in signal strenth in either, The Apollo is within my fermenting fridge and the Stainless is wrapped in an Apollo Jacket.
Setup was extremely easy and then intergration with Brewersfriend, Brewfather and Unidots was very easy also when following the instructions.
The Hydrom is quite well made, is large and very easy to clean, it was very accurate throuhout the ferments and battery usage was was very minimal as the Hydrom uses the ESP32 board, when sending at 15 min intervals after 3 brews I had 61% battery left.
It's not cloud relient and can be used with bluetooth and lots of other brewing tools.
I will put a couple of videos up of it of the Hydrom that I have done.
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Hmmm I wonder if it will also integrate with the grainfather app?
Hmmm I wonder if it will also integrate with the grainfather app?
I'm not sure, but when I wasn't sure about it working with Brewersfriend I emailed the developer via his site Hydrom.io about it. He tested and informed me that it would setup like an Ispindel, he then updated the e manual. If Grainfather can use any of the options it may work.
I purchased my Hydrom today. Now looking forward to using it.
Am I worried about the screw thread on the Hydrom? Of course not, how many of us here have, or have in the past fermented in a HDPE fermenter or bucket with a screw in tap or tap with a nut on the inside. I would say most did, did it cause any sanitary problems? Not for me.
Just also like to say that it really sucks when a business comes out with the diatribe witnessed on the Rapt Pill thread by a Keg Land employee. It didn't sway my choice of electronic hydrometer, but it will influence me when looking to buy other products.
Just also like to say that it really sucks when a business comes out with the diatribe witnessed on the Rapt Pill thread by a Keg Land employee. It didn't sway my choice of electronic hydrometer, but it will influence me when looking to buy other products.
Your right it does really suck when a business slags off an opposing product. But Tjorben was quick off the mark in defense of his product, and look at all the free advertising gained for the Hydrom.
It couldn't have been orchestrated better, could it?;)
Your right it does really suck when a business slags off an opposing product. But Tjorben was quick off the mark in defense of his product, and look at all the free advertising gained for the Hydrom.
It couldn't have been orchestrated better, could it?;)
I think the way Tjorben answered was also very honest, he explained a lot of things and highlighted things that don't matter in the big scheme of things. But it shows that you must do your proper research before going in to hard about what I personally feel is a superior product, and then be able to back it up.
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I'm going to throw my 10 cents worth in after reading the various posts from the Pill guy and the Hydrom guy.
Moderators of this forum really need to get a hold of these posts and Business owners as this forum is not about criticising, critiquing, comparing or bagging other businesses various products being introduced to the market.
The business owners in question have there own websites, facebook, you tube and other social media platforms to do that.

With the explosion of brewing product and equipment hitting the market everyone(some more than others) are trying to get a bigger stake from potential new brewers or brewers upgrading equipment and this Forum in the form of business sponsorship allows the free flow of information, not product comparison, to brewers on this site and that is where it should stop . Then brewers through this site can make informed decision making, comment, criticism and suggestions on various product that they have seen, come across, used and share this with Forum members etc. The important point I'm making is do your own research, this forum is one avenue to do this but there are many others.
I'll read any comments made to this post but will not respond-after all it is my 10 cents worth !!
I'm going to throw my 10 cents worth in after reading the various posts from the Pill guy and the Hydrom guy.
Moderators of this forum really need to get a hold of these posts and Business owners as this forum is not about criticising, critiquing, comparing or bagging other businesses various products being introduced to the market.
The business owners in question have there own websites, facebook, you tube and other social media platforms to do that.

With the explosion of brewing product and equipment hitting the market everyone(some more than others) are trying to get a bigger stake from potential new brewers or brewers upgrading equipment and this Forum in the form of business sponsorship allows the free flow of information, not product comparison, to brewers on this site and that is where it should stop . Then brewers through this site can make informed decision making, comment, criticism and suggestions on various product that they have seen, come across, used and share this with Forum members etc. The important point I'm making is do your own research, this forum is one avenue to do this but there are many others.
I'll read any comments made to this post but will not respond-after all it is my 10 cents worth !!
Should have started your own thread for your 10c worth not post in another members thread.
Good news is that as Esp32 should be able to load gravity Mon software which is a really good electronic hydrometer software. Brilliant support on that.
I've migrated my ispindels onto this platform.
How many brews it lasts for isn't that relevant more about time as a brew might be more than a month in secondary.
Hi Brewers, wondering if anyone can help me with this. Just bought a Hydrom, put it in my first batch of Mead today, problem is it seems to be working fine, I did calibrate it but I also used the standard gravity hydrometer to check if they matched. The gravity Hydrometer is at 1.18 and the Floating Hydrom is 1.10, which is about a 2% difference in ABV. Anyone had a similar issue?
Hi Brewers, wondering if anyone can help me with this. Just bought a Hydrom, put it in my first batch of Mead today, problem is it seems to be working fine, I did calibrate it but I also used the standard gravity hydrometer to check if they matched. The gravity Hydrometer is at 1.18 and the Floating Hydrom is 1.10, which is about a 2% difference in ABV. Anyone had a similar issue?
I have a precision Braume glass hydrometer, cost almost as much as the Hydrom tested mine today and both hydrometers match density. Just ordered another Hydrom, well pleased.
I have a precision Braume glass hydrometer, cost almost as much as the Hydrom tested mine today and both hydrometers match density. Just ordered another Hydrom, well pleased.
It’s possible that someone would join the forum and be madly in love with a single provider of home brew gear, but that would also be kind of weird…

I’m sure this is a great product that has its positives and negatives, as with similar products from other local and international providers.

Edit: no affiliation, avoid both companies, but have low tolerance for bs.
OK, so here is the issue at home bass! I have been brewing Mead for 2 Years and it keeps coming out as excellent product, going commercial with the product soon, only ever had 1 gravity hydrometer and I am pretty sure its accurate, Classic Mead have been coming out at 12% to 13.5% ABV finished but the Melomels (fruit added to fermentation) goes a bit further to 15% to 16%, I am pretty sure these are accurate reading and just want to confirm that the HYDROM has accuracy issues at the higher end of potential gravity. Otherwise I need to purchase another gravity hydrometer to check that my new HYDROM does have an issue instead of the existing gravity hydrometer that I have been using for the past 2 years. Pretty sure I know what is going on just wondering if anyone can confirm the discrepancy with higher AVB readings?
Not sure about the discrepancy at higher end. Buuut, If you're taking your hobby commercial I would suggest investing in precision hydrometers not homebrew equipment. To my knowledge only Tilt have come out with a "pro" version of a digital hydrometer.
It’s possible that someone would join the forum and be madly in love with a single provider of home brew gear, but that would also be kind of weird…

I’m sure this is a great product that has its positives and negatives, as with similar products from other local and international providers.

Edit: no affiliation, avoid both companies, but have low tolerance for bs.
Thanks for that addition.
Not sure about the discrepancy at higher end. Buuut, If you're taking your hobby commercial I would suggest investing in precision hydrometers not homebrew equipment. To my knowledge only Tilt have come out with a "pro" version of a digital hydrometer.
Thank you for that, happy to pay for the equipment but simply didn't know it existed, I thought the HYDROM was a step up!