
Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Darren, or TheNewDarren?

They were good days... People could poke and prod each other and no one got offended.... And everyone had a good laugh.
My point was Bum was also banned, not that Nick JD should know his whereabouts. Unsure how you extrapolated that.
Fair to say sensibilities in forum land have become more delicate and less resilient in the ensuing decade. The rough and tumble public bar vibe and occasional coarse banter has been gentrified into an inner city hipster bar where punters mind their ps and qs. Pity. A forum can still be spicy without degenerating into 4Chan, or twitter..
I wouldn't count on a return to the 'good old days', such as they were, any time soon.
The removing of right of reply is a stumbling block. They were good old days. Can't stop progress as Dylan and Kung said.
You will be happy, back to promoting Keg Land. Sorry you cant see this.,

What is this Land of Kegs of which you speak? And by what dark sorcery doth it blind one so? May its pilgrims and the subjects of the King of Kegs live together peacefully here in the Shire.

C'mon chaps.
Let's cut the personal insults and keep it nice,
I'd rather not edit or delete stuff.
So AussieCraftBrewer is back up and running. Well and good, as I'm sure there's room for each of these forums.
While AHB is asking for assistance is doesn't go unnoticed that those with so much to say and have never been a supporting member have all but disappeared. onemorecell where are you cobber? Couldn't you manage just one more brain cell to your existing one?
Wind piss and chicken **** comes to mind with some posters on this thread. Two Aussie forums look like going down the proverbial gurgler and the ones who care so much are no where to be seen.
Oh dear, getting somewhat repetitive. This is a privately owned forum, so I guess the owners can run it as they see fit.
Is that a problem?
Oh dear, getting somewhat repetitive. This is a privately owned forum, so I guess the owners can run it as they see fit.
Is that a problem?
And they are, and run is an apt word. Combines well with into the ground.
Not a problem for me I reneged my supporting membership as soon as I saw the writing on the wall, as have many others.
Do they frequent any place else?
They do, But the mods are so petty it would probably get deleted if I mentioned it, even though they are members and post on the forbidden forum. Think 'Australian', then add 'Craft Brewing' to it
They shouldn't especially since a moderator mentioned the name about ten posts up.
He's hardly going to delete his own posts.
Go on other forums the moderators don't sit on their hands, they are amongst the most prolific posters. They are the ones provoking forum members to be active. Not this forum, most of the prolific posters have been driven off, leaving the admin pleading for assistance.
Forums can only be maintained by sponsors and supporting members, if forums aren't active the sponsors leave, If the forum is only getting 3 or 4 posts per day then it doesn't encourage member to fork out hard earned when the forum owner realises they are using their own money and close the forum down.
Can't run a business at a loss.