How To Attach Snaplock Adaptors To A Corny Keg

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I am converting all my kegging equipment to snaplock so I don't have to worry about changing the disconnects between my 19L and 50L kegs.

Now my 50L kegs are OK (easy enough to add snaplok adaptors to a coupler), and my old firestone kegs (with the female thread) have been converted, however I am stumped when it comes to converting the posts on my corny keg to snaplok adaptors.

I tried Andale and they no longer have the backnut with the correct size thread so I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. I was wondering whether anyone knows where to source the backnuts that allow you attach snaplock adaptors to a cornelius keg, or whether this is even possible?

The other solution is to get my hands on a keg with female threads (similar to my firestones), however I haven't seen any of these around for years. Are these still available anywhere? Ironically, I see that someone in QLD is selling four of these on ebay at the moment (Link). Wrong state, right time.

wont it of been easier to convert the 50s to ball locks, then just use them
Could you just make a short adaptor with a piece of hose and a balllock on one end?
Thanks for feedback guys. Much appreciated.

For most people it would probably be easier to convert all the kegs to ball lock. However, only two of my kegs are cornys. All the others are already setup with snaplok so I thought it would be easier to convert the two corny kegs, rather than convert the other six kegs already equipped with snaplok.

I'll probably just set the cornys aside for emergencies unless anyone else has a suggestion.
I still think if you convert 1 of the commercial keg couplers to ball lock would be the best way. that way you can interchange that one keg fitting. surely you can shuffle things around so that this always works no matter your setup. Other wise I cant see you ever using your ball lock kegs...
How many kegs & beer lines do you have running snaplok?

As Pumkin said, while it will not be cheap (I estimate over $100 for a set) just get a normal corny disconnect, short piece of 6x10mm hose and a snaplok nozzle (hose in one side, snaplok male other) If you need it Snaplok female then get a Snaplok adapter a cooler coupling for the right hose size.
Thanks Krusty (and Punkin) for actually providing an answer to my original question.

Since I have three beer lines and five or so kegs already with snaplok, I will use your suggestion to finish off the final two corny kegs. I already have the tubing, disconnects and some spare snaplok parts - so it shouldn't be too pricy to finish off.

Again this forum has come to the rescue.

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