How Tall Are Your Bucket Style Fermenters?

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One of the things that prevents me from using cubes for fermenting purposes is the amount of water wasted doing a soak just to get rid of the krausen ring. :(
Buckets are also much better to use as opposed to the normal screw-top fermenter.
but that is only my opinion. I'm sure I will be corrected by others

TP :beer:
Not by me, anyway.
Pails with snaplock lids are king.
I would be surprised if many blokes are doing their primary/initial ferments in jerry cans.
But then a lot of things surprise me :D

One of the things that prevents me from using cubes for fermenting purposes is the amount of water wasted doing a soak just to get rid of the krausen ring.
Sunshine Coast Water shortage?????? :eek:
You guys put the dams in the right places and AFAIK the water has been thundering over the dam walls for months now. Kindly send some to Wivenhoe (although Somerset is about full now)

PS will definitely get up there after Xmas, have been basically delayed by no means of getting back to Bribie whilst totally pi$$t. :D
Sunshine Coast Water shortage?????? :eek:


These city folk need rain water tanks,that's all I have and live on it well.If everyone had a good size tank we could forget about flooding some Australia's best farming land so city slickers can water there lawns and fill their pools :angry:

Not by me, anyway.
Pails with snaplock lids are king.
I would be surprised if many blokes are doing their primary/initial ferments in jerry cans.
But then a lot of things surprise me :D


Because of the initial dilution rate ie one lid of nappi wash per jerry, and the very small rate of work the chemical hasa to do to clean the jerry, I have poured the contents of one soaked jerry/keg into the next. Has worked for me without problems for 5 years.

All depends on if you do multiple brews in temp control or not. If you do one at a time go with your pails/carboy etc. If you want to do two or more in a temp controlled fridge, go jerries - all the way!!!

Be surprised very surprised!
Soak them then tip the water in the toilet system Pete,tap turned off of course.You on water restrictions there?
No rain water tank?


Good idea Batz but I have a couple of other reasons why I won't\don't use them.
No water restrictions up here until April (I think it is?) when that Bloody Bligh takes our water without any compensation for our storage facilities & imposes Brisbane's water restrictions on us.
I have heard that the pumps on the new line to Brisbane only pump one way but have no idea if that's true or not?
No water tank either but I've got the bore for the garden & cooling my worts. :super:
I suppose you use cubes for your fermentations?

I suppose you use cubes for your fermentations?


Not since I lived in the Pilbara Pete,then I used jerrys,just too hot inside and only one fermenting fridge to my name

If everyone had a good size tank we could forget about flooding some Australia's best farming land so city slickers can water there lawns and fill their pools

+1,2,3,4, & 5 ---- No Traverston Dam needed or wanted here. Thanks for nothing Captain Bligh. :angry: Bugger orf! :angry: :D

TP :beer:
Sorry stagga this has swayed way off topic,but it's difficult to ignore the stupidity of the Traverstom Dam


Back to the fermenters and brewing

Update on bucket style fermenters with built in screwed tap opening.

Heaps and heaps of the 25L have arrived at the Bribie brew shop with a Brewcraft logo on them, so should be available at all Brewcraft outlets no doubt. They have a good strong chunky tap opening moulded into them.

Will actually fit nicely in my fridge - was so excited about measuring them and running home to my fridge that I clean forgot to ask how much they are, no doubt standard bucket price. I'll post again if the price is a nasty surprise (couldn't get back yesterday as it was right on closing time)
Have given up the ghost after looking all this time (2 years plus) for 30 litre bucket fermenters with the threaded bung & am collecting from my HBS tomorrow 2 x 30 litre bucket fermenters without the threaded bung. :( These are also made by BrewCraft.
Will be drilling holes to suit "Beneficial" snap-lock taps held in place inside by a ss nut complete with rubber washer.

TP :beer:
I got mine from Brewers Choice (Enoggera) Pete (bit late to tell you - sorry) presumably the other ones stock them as well around $20-25.
TP - I'll borrow one just to confirm that it will fit and do a fill-test as well, I'm only taking their word that it's 25L as there's nothing actually on the bucket.
TP - I'll borrow one just to confirm that it will fit and do a fill-test as well, I'm only taking their word that it's 25L as there's nothing actually on the bucket.
I think these fermenters are 25L nominal and actually 29.4L full to the brim so coould be classed as a 30L fermenter, have a look at the markings on the base of the pail.

TP why drill holes in them when you can keep them whole and use a stainless racking cane, one less place for the bugs to hide!
TP why drill holes in them when you can keep them whole and use a stainless racking cane, one less place for the bugs to hide!

I don't know about Tidal Pete but for me, syphoning is slightly less enjoyable than flagellating myself in public with barbed wire then rolling in the thistles :lol:
I don't know about Tidal Pete but for me, syphoning is slightly less enjoyable than flagellating myself in public with barbed wire then rolling in the thistles :lol:
I guess YMMV but I would rather learn to siphon once (google there are a million different ways) than bother with cleaning taps and worrying about them leaking forever and a day.
TP why drill holes in them when you can keep them whole and use a stainless racking cane, one less place for the bugs to hide!


I have one of those Easy-Syphons that I use on my existing bucket fermenters & am quite happy with it the only problem being that it takes twice as long to get the brew out of the fermenter. You're probably right & I'm just too impatient? :p I may well reconsider my decision.


These BrewCraft 30 litre bucket fermenters I'm collecting tomorrow are marked in 1 litre increments right up to 30 at the top.

TP :beer: