How Often Do You Break Your Hydrometers?

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I'm on my 3rd aswell! when i break this bugger though, i'm gonna get a refractometer. when i drop it, i will happily slide my foot under it to soften its blow! (the first time anyway!) lol
I have been out of a hydrometer for two months or so now because one was broken, replaced and broken days after that purchase. I am thinking I will try using the refrac to monitor attenuation this round of brews to see how that goes.

I guess I break slightly less than one per year if I had to provide the stats. There is historically a degree of spousal responsibility in the breaking (and not replacing) of hydrometers. The kitchen sink should be off limits, but it is the easiest place to rinse and dry them.
If you're talking about fuzzy readings on the refrac, I think that would be
due to yeast in the sample that gets onto the refrac's crystal. If you draw
say a spoonful or so of the wort and put that in the fridge for 10mins or
so, and then take a reading, you ought to get a sharp reading.

Including these charts.

Oh yeah, I've put my hydrometer away and not used except for checking
my refrac ...... not sayin any more ;)

Top post malty. I was trying to find a refrac thread last night after buying one after the system wars showed me how handy they are. Those links you put up is all I need and more.

After breaking 3 in a 2 week period I went to a platic one,

3 points out but who cares, its 3 points out at both ends so all is good.

Funnily i have not dropped the plastic one in the 7 or so months I have had it. Glass ones seemed to like the concrete brewery floor... :rolleyes:
No hydrometers yet, but have broken a few glass sample jars. I always leave them where I shouldn't...but take care of the hydrometer which is more coin.
Up to my 4th or 5th. It's either me or my wife.

They put those lids on the hydrometer tubes for a reason - Centrifugal force is a bitch with a mean sense of humour.
Okay I haven't read this whole thread so not sure if this has been asked, but I'm in the same boat and I'm always breaking my damn hydrometres and buying ones that aren't showing zero in water, which is really annoying.

I'm thinking about getting a refrac. Are they accurate enough for measuring FG? I know you have to correct the reading and all that. I'm fine with that. Just wondering if it's easy to differentiate between say 1.010 and 1.011 I looked at an example picture of what the reading looks like and it appears as if it's pretty hard to measure that accurately.
I'm on my 3rd, and I have broken none. The Wife broke both. Safe to say the Wife is banned from touching them now. I must also remember to put em out of her reach.

The other day, I left it upright and unmanned on the bench with a sample and it toppled to the floor. Luckily the sample cushioned the fall. No breakage. :)
One in 10 years. Broke my original one by sliding it back in to it's home, and the other end of the tube popped off. Smash, on the tiled floor.
Okay I haven't read this whole thread so not sure if this has been asked, but I'm in the same boat and I'm always breaking my damn hydrometres and buying ones that aren't showing zero in water, which is really annoying.

I'm thinking about getting a refrac. Are they accurate enough for measuring FG? I know you have to correct the reading and all that. I'm fine with that. Just wondering if it's easy to differentiate between say 1.010 and 1.011 I looked at an example picture of what the reading looks like and it appears as if it's pretty hard to measure that accurately.

The chart is very zoomable - I'm going to try it out with my current brews when they are attenuated. With the new refractometers that also have a 1xxx gravity scale, not just the Brix, it's very easy to measure to one point of gravity.

What I meant Bribie is you see this pic?


Well it looks like the lines are super fine, but I've never even held one so I dunno if it's actually easier than it looks or not.
MB, I used one over at mario's when I picked up my rig, can be tricky getting it in the correct light, but easy enough to make it out when the light is right, im going to be getting one myself...

No idea on brand. Yes the lines are close together but the definition of the line coming across is thinner so its easier to read than a hydrometer - plus you're sticking it right up to your eye

I believe you can get them with a built in light now too to make the light a non-issue (never been an issue for me any way)
Broke 1 hydrometer very early on, been very careful since. I also have a refract now but I still do comparisions checks with the hydrometer occasionally. The refract is definately better on unfermented beer for ease of use, especially if the wort is hot as a small sample cools down pretty quick. Fermented beer on the other hand needs to be adjusted depending on the original gravity. Beersmith is handy for this one as it has a refract tool that will calculate out your gravity for you when you enter OG and reading.

Has anyone done any comparisons work between a glass hydrometer and the plastic ones.
I cracked two in a week when I first started so quickly made the change to a refractometer......never looked back. It was just a cheapie from eBay. (But I reckon these are the same ones I've seen in a LHBS or two, as it has the same packaging etc- for nearly three times the price)..... Love how easy it is to get a reading. Just point into a well lit window or walk outside for brighter and clearer reading.

Sometimes I flip the clear plastic 'lid' up and back a few times if there are a couple of bubbles in the drops of wort and then this generally gives me a nice clear line. Never compared mine to a hydrometer because I use the same one all the time and no hydrometer in the house anymore and I don't need to be super accurate, as long as I know roughly what ABV I've got and when it's reached FG I'm happy.
after breaking many a hydrometer, i moved to refractometers and manged to drop it off the top of the fridge, cracking & chipping a bit off the the prism

still works but