How Often Do You Break Your Hydrometers?

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F*** this thread!

Hadn't broken one in the 3 years I've been this thread last Saturday (even had a chuckle to myself at the clumsiness of some people) and later that same day...S M A S H !

F***, F***, F*** is all that was heard from the brewery!
1 down. I can say with 100% honesty that the wife did it.

Yeah same here <_<

It was one of those fancy ones with the thermometer in the bottom. After that I'm just going to simply refuse to buy another. I will consider a brew done when it's done! And I will consider how pissed it gets me how pissed it gets me!
Ive only ever broken one and what happened was I went to slip it back into it's proteive plastic tube only to realise I had removed the bungs off bothe ends, hence, the hydometer slipped straight though and onto the floor leaving me to curse my inattention to detail.


Ive only ever broken one, was finding those little ball bearing things in the kitchen for weeks afterwards!! Same thing happened to me Browndog, the case didnt have caps on both sides <_<
4 in 14 months, at least I am keeping my local HBS with a healthy turnover of these f*cking things. :rolleyes:
I've gone through about 4.

I hate it, really ruins my brewdays.
"How often do you break your Hydrometers?"

Two so far, the first one a common story, slipped it back into the tube only to find no end on the tube. This was before the first brew was even completed. Replaced it with a BigW cheapie which was really only useful for FG's as it only went to 1040, but was very handy as it required a smaller sample of beer to be drawn off.

The second was a truly unique (at least in this thread) method of breakage. I had a cider that I was worried about yeast activity (or lack of), tested it only to find it had dropped to 1020 in 5 days (phew), went to walk back inside to wash hydro (I brew in the garage), when the wind blew the door shut in front of me and it locked. No dramas, I had my keys in my pocket, but both hands were full, so popped the tip of the hydro into my mouth to fish for keys. Now this door is the same place that I dropped hydro #1, so I thought to self "not going to drop another" so I bit down and chomped off the tip of hydro #2.
The swearing would have been heard for miles, except for the fact that I had a mouth full of broken glass.
I told you it was unique. Hopefully that should be the last for a while.

my 2.5yr old broke my last hydrometer on the weekend and i wasnt even brewing. just as well i havent used it since i got my refractometer
Within 45 minutes of opening my first ever microbrew kit, I had a broken hydrometer. Some sort of record? :unsure:
I want to claim a record here :) :) :)

Made my first batch of homebrew on 6th January 1983 but bought my first hydrometer later that year and I am still using it today. It still has the price label on the little cardboard tube it came in from a local health food store at the time.

It cost me a whole $3.95 in 1983.

Now that I have made this public I will break it on the next brew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Bigfella

I can't beat that but I can approach it.
I got my 1st (& only) one in 1989 (ie 20 yrs ago) in a free homebrewing kit from the Wander rep. Nice lady.
It got some early use, but was then packed away for about 10yrs before being pulled out again when I started doing full mashes.
It has been in regular use since. I guess I should stop tempting fate by leaving it to dry on the draining tray in the kitchen.


2 years in and my trusty little bebbe went for a trip over the kitchen counter, inlaws down from brissie on a visit sitting in the loungeroom had their ears assulted with the depth of my vulgar tongue...

After reading about so many people in this situation though I sourced a sparie 6 months back so it's not the end of the world... just really pissed at myself for leaving it close to the edge of the bench..

now... where were those refractometers

broke to many lol could write all night what not to do with them haha
Broke mine the other night, stumbling round the shed looking for the light, must have forgot to put it away.
Time to clean the bench( and shed) :angry:
I have never broken one.

Mind you I don't drink when I brew :D
I've only been brewing for 16 months but my first hydrometer is still going strong. Plan to have it for years. I may have just jinxed myself however......
Left my first one in the hydro tube with the spirit thermo on the bench. They by and by decided to topple the tube over and crash...
As well, got myself a better one that I ummm treat with extra care.

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