How Much Have You Brewed This Year

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How many litres of beer have you brewed in '03

  • Under 100 litres (I'm new to brewing/getting back into it)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 100 - 250 litres (didn't have enough time)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 250 - 500 litres (not enough fermenters/bottles)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 500 - 750 litres (I like variety ok)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 750 - 1000 litres (Just pacing myself. nice and steady)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1000 - 1500 litres (Summer was hot and I was quite thirsty)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1500 - 2000 litres (I've got a big family alright)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2000 + litres (I've started selling the stuff/opening a micro)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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its late at night im seeing double i knoiw ive brewed heapsd.will re appraise omorrow . eithr way itsbheaaaps to much for nmy liver.
ooo im ssoundding like my mate jaz

cya later all
big ddddddddddd
big d said:
its late at night im seeing double i knoiw ive brewed heapsd.will re appraise omorrow . eithr way itsbheaaaps to much for nmy liver.
ooo im ssoundding like my mate jaz

cya later all
big ddddddddddd
It looks like half the beer you have brewed this year has been spilt on the keyboard bigd ;) :lol:

Iam up there with crispy the mad man at around 1040 litres per year thats 20 litres a week. :p

Who cares what anyone thinks about that being overkill. :chug:

Best beers of the year so far have been
A american brown, my demon ale, a robust porter, dry stout, baby demon, a tame APA and a few bitters and a skunk fart with 1275.
Brewing just keeps getting better and better and like most here iam a man posessed by the brewing gods.

If all pans out i would love to be the proud owner of a fermenator before this question comes up again next year, as is i know nothing about pc's but i spent $3000 on one so $1200 does not seem like that much for a piece of brew kit.

Cheers Jayse
The topic is now a pinned topic at the top of The Pub.
My tally to come later but I think I'd be on a par with last year.

I got my first Coopers Kit for X-mas and in 8 months i have gone from doing Coopers Lagers with 1kg of sugar to my next brew with be number 13 and an All Grain Oatmeal Stout.
I brew an average of 80 - 100 lt per month, and now I have added it all up I think I will sell my shares in CUB, there profits must be going down the drain.

Most of my brewing is a house ale but the rest is different styles on a regular basis.
I usually have 3 different beers on tap at all times, and my mates love to be able to choose between them.
I feel like a big girls blouse amongst you pissheads....

Have brewed less this year than in either of the last two, just not enough time to brew enough allgrain, and not much desire to brew anything else. Probably around the 250L area, so I put myself down in the 100-250 category.
The process is streamlining now to save time, so in combination with a planned increase in the brew length, I hope to be around the 500L region next year.

I'm up around 320L so far this year. If my wife complains about my drinking again, I'm going to show her this thread. Some of you guys are insane!! :blink:

- Snow
Just done the tally.
This year so far I have done 26 all-grain brews. On average each brew is around 24 litres so that makes ~624 litres. An of course there is still three months to go :D

:eek: I thought I was under control compared to some....

Since going AG 4 months ago I've brewed 310L :ph34r: Once I get my BC I can see this getting even further out of control.

I'm with you Batz.... some things should not be added up.

660 litres for me. I did dump one 60 litre batch though.
13 brews so about 260 litres.
Now I've dipped my toe in the murky waters of all graining I am slowing down.
Crispy and I actually did our first all grains on the same day - and I'm only doing my third on the weekend, but I am still building the brury :D
Maybe my next investment should be in a high quality lighting rig, then I can join Crispy in the mad cap antics of floodlight all grain brewing :p
Havent brewed that many batches this year

On a subtopic, what about strongest beer brewed? 16% Burton Olld Ale here

Jovial Monk
Jovial_Monk said:
Havent brewed that many batches this year

On a subtopic, what about strongest beer brewed? 16% Burton Olld Ale here

Jovial Monk
9.5% Belgian tripel
Good day
32 x 22L = 704L so far and it has been a slow year.
All the best, Barry
I only started brewing with a mate this April. So far weve done 9 brews. If we had some more bottles I reckon wed eventually buy another fermenter and go nuts.
I'm only at 100 litres, but I did have to break down the setup when I moved. Well 3 months left so maybe I can double it.
About 350 litres since April. All sorts (from kits). What I'm constantly amazed at is the variation in alcohol content between similar beers. I made a Dry (with enzyme supplied) and it came out at about 6.5%. Sheeet ... I fool so feelish ...
The calm before the storm - only about 350L this year...

I have a 10 Gallon Mashtun on it's way from Texas - I gotta get some more fermenters!

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