The way I described it to the Magistrate who demanded to know how much I drink every day, was "I'll have a couple. That can be a couple of glasses, a couple of stubbies, a couple of pints, a couple of bottles or a couple of all depends on what I'm doing & the strength of the beer".
Not satisfied with my response, she wanted to know EXACTLY how many cans/stubbies/bottles I drink each day, to which I responded "I don't drink out of cans or stubbies. I'll have approximately the equivalent of 2-3 bottles".
Not satisfied with my response, she said "What do you mean by 'the equivalent of'?"
I responded "Well, your Honour, you see I'm a homebrewer. I make my own beer & I drink it on draught from stainless steel kegs leftover from the soft-drink industry. It's a hobby that I've been involved with for over 30 years & I've won multiple prizes for beers that I've made at State & National level & even one International prize. I'm on the organising committee for Victoria's amateur brewing competition, where I'm the Chief Steward, which means I stay sober, whilst everyone around me is drinking lots of free beer."
She said "Yes, well, it's obviously difficult to gauge the strength of homebrewed beer, isn't it, so you don't know how much alcohol you're consuming"
"Actually, no, your Honour. The drop in specific gravity multiplied by 0.14 will give you a fairly accurate % ABV". The Police prosecutor by this point was looking down & quietly smiling to himself.....
After much blustering & yet ANOTHER lecture on the Demon Alcohol, she finally aquiesced & deigned to remove the Interlock from my car (which SHE had imposed in the first place).
So, I still have a couple each day, after I'm done driving.....