How Many Taps

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Hi Folks,

I'm about to head down the kegging path and I already have the most important thing required, agreement from the other half. :lol:

Reading quite a bit about it lately, I think I have a fair idea as to what I need. What I'm not sure about is how many taps I should set up. Or should I get a gun now and get the taps later?

Open to all realistic sugestions?

Hay bud i went for 2 taps straight away as thats how many kegs i could fit in the fridge at once. If i could of fitted more i would of. More beer on tap the better i say
I have two kegs online at any one time. I feel as a host it is my responsibility to offer my guests a choice! :beer:

I run two guns as i didn't get permission to modify the fridge!

:icon_cheers: SJ
If you're not getting 'real' taps straight away just get a bronco or two. Dirt cheap and they pour fine. Also, they're handy if you ever need to take a keg somewhere.

I got one real tap plus a bronco to start with (aiming for 4 taps on a chest freezer eventually). Only really got the fridge tap straight away as it came in a kegging kit setup.
Are you going to buy a font with multi-taps, or prefer one or two through the door of the fridge?
I'd suggest that you get what you can afford now (in case the missus changes her mind, and maybe justifiably so).
Not all partners are so understanding, nor can they be guaranteed to remain so (but we always hope ;) )

When I started, I bought what I could afford, which was an old, old fridge with 2 kegs and a gas bottle, through-door tap and a an S/S drip tray. $350 IIRC, with most bits "not in the best condition"...but it worked OK. The old tap was flogged out, and the fridge was subject to icing-up. It was good enough to learn the ropes, balancing gas and getting the pour right.

As espoused by my LHBS, buy the good bits. They might be a bit more expensive, but they will pay for that with reduced replacement times, and or reduced maintenance (clips, connectors, taps, lines etc).

For me, the next step is a multi-tap font on a 500 litre freezer. I hope I sound excited, coz I am. :D
I started off with one tap but quickly moved to 2 for a couple of reasons-

1) one tap on the fridge looks lonely
2) wanted to have a choice of beer available.

When adding taps to the fridge take into consideration future additions. i.e if you stick one tap in the middle of the door then later on you will have to go straight to three as two will look unbalanced and irritate any OCD tendencies you might have (or is it just me??!!)
I started with two, then upgraded to a third (though I had to perform some minor surgery on the door to fit the tird keg in the fridge). My theory is: pitch for as much as you think you can get away with :p
3 tap font.

Bought the house and the bar was already there so went the bar mounted font option instead of fridge mounted taps.

i was going to have taps coming out of the fridge but have changed my mind for a chest freezer with a 3 or 4 tap font. because i keep changing my mind i got a picnic tap to start with and spent the money i had on kegs and co2 and a fridgemate. the dream is still a large chest freezer with a 4 tap flooded font. check out some of the pics in the gallery and you will see why.

cheers cozmo
3 tap font.

Bought the house and the bar was already there so went the bar mounted font option instead of fridge mounted taps.


Very nice.. I'm toying with this sort of thing. The whole bar set up thing, mine would have to be somewhat portable though, as we are going to be rebuilding the house in the next year or so.

I've got 2 through the door taps

One pretty much has soda water running

The fridge holds 6 x 18L

It doesn't bother me too much swapping over kegs - I've got 4 connected to gas at once - so it's only the beer out that needs to be swapped

It also helps me concentrate on knocking over the kegs in some sort of logical order - rather than all the kegs blowing at once

Only really becomes an issue when people visit and I wanna give them a sample of most of the beers

SWMBO actually suggested I get some more taps

Might take her up on this :D

But might hold off till when I set up a chest freezer

I have 1 Celli Tap fixed to my old fridge door, placed off centre, to allow for a second (one day...!)

I have room for 4 kegs. Eventual plan is to have 2 kegs on tap, 2 kegs conditioning.

My fridge conversion thread here if interested.;#entry395104

There is plenty of inspirational photos in the Gallery section also.

I would recommend at least 2 taps so you have a choice of beers, plus ideally have some room in your fridge/freezer for conditioning of kegs.

Can you explain your reasoning for this? I understand the freezer part..

See here for pics.

It takes me a while to get through a batch of beer and I like the idea of having a few different ones to choose from. I was originally going for a freezer that would fit 4 kegs at most but this one that fits 6 popped up. 4 taps seems logical for the 6-keg freezer as I can have 4 on tap, one getting ready and the gas bottle inside. Also, with 4 I can allocate one for softies etc. for the Mrs and still have a decent variety to choose from. With a smaller 4-keg freezer I probably would have only gone 3 taps, and the CO2 bottle outside to make room for an extra keg.
You need to concider 2 things.
$$$$ and
How often will you be able to fill a keg?

I've got 1 tap and have trouble to keep both keg full of beer at same time.
Reason I can't brew fast enough to keep up demand lol

Either way plan ahead, so you can upgrade/add on with minimal cost and effort.

There is never enough taps is the true answer :D
Very nice.. I'm toying with this sort of thing. The whole bar set up thing, mine would have to be somewhat portable though, as we are going to be rebuilding the house in the next year or so.


The bar is dyna bolted to the concrete floor. So it will be a tough assignment to undo them. I may just take the red gum slab with me and leave the frame behind. If you have a solid framed bar then you dont need to bolt it to the ground.
Dynabolts + angle grinder= easy to move!
I bought a used fridge with a tap already mounted initially. Then, once I started to really enjoy it and my skill improved, I upgraded to a four tap setup.

I bought and old chest freezer and put wheels on it. Added a wooden top and 4 taps.

Basically it gets down to what space you have, how much $$$ you want/able to spend and how much beer you (and your mates) drink. Plus the show-off factor! :rolleyes:

Ok just looking at the answers and through various set ups it seems that 3 or more is the answer. The next thing I have to figure out is where to get the freezer, so that I can start setting up.


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