How Far Can A Perth Pub Go To Stop You From Having A Beer

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Warning - anonymous drunk psychologist weighing in. Its the only thing I can remember from 1st year psych degree = Fundamental attributional error explains pretty much whats going on. Social psychologists get very, very excitied about this stuff.
I personally excelled at tavernology 101 .......

Now were is that SCT1000 I need to wire up :eek:
Warning - anonymous drunk psychologist weighing in. Its the only thing I can remember from 1st year psych degree = Fundamental attributional error explains pretty much whats going on. Social psychologists get very, very excitied about this stuff.
I personally excelled at tavernology 101 .......

Now were is that SCT1000 I need to wire up :eek:

Yep, that's why I gave up on psych and moved to post-structuralism and philosophy, got sick of the snappy names for descriptive phenomena haha. Cognitive dissonance is another good one -that explains why I left my last two jobs and have ended up where I am now hee hee. Nice one BBB! I'd never have remembered that!

Now where is Kant's Critique of Practical Reason I needed to deconstruct... :ph34r:
You got to ask yourself why do people get ink in the first place. For attention? Buggered if I would get ink. People with ink seem to attract trouble? Show offs? I dunno. They are the first thoughts that come to my mind and maybe the pub owner.
Amazingly well articulated and thought out contribution there Banshee.
Yep, that's why I gave up on psych and moved to post-structuralism and philosophy, got sick of the snappy names for descriptive phenomena haha. Cognitive dissonance is another good one -that explains why I left my last two jobs and have ended up where I am now hee hee. Nice one BBB! I'd never have remembered that!

Now where is Kant's Critique of Practical Reason I needed to deconstruct... :ph34r:

Its the only thing I can remember, seriously ..... it was 22 yrs ago - amazing what crap we remember.
you went easy on me - you could have really slagged me as a logical positivist.....
Brew on lecterfan
I know two Primary Teachers with clearly visible tattoos that, wait for it, teach small children. I know...shocking.
If a pub can exclude someone based on physical appearance we are indeed in trouble. "Ah, sorry, that flesh tunnel exceeds our stipulated guidelines..." FFS
Cheers, John.
You got to ask yourself why do people get ink in the first place. For attention? Buggered if I would get ink. People with ink seem to attract trouble? Show offs? I dunno. They are the first thoughts that come to my mind and maybe the pub owner.

Actually I'm on facebook right now exploring the issue of autonomy, internalised social norms etc etc and other issues that lead to/include that question. If I'd continued with Law at Melbourne Uni when I was 18 instead of dropping out and joining a heavy metal band maybe I wouldn't look the way I do? Pretty safe bet... :p

Its the only thing I can remember, seriously ..... it was 22 yrs ago - amazing what crap we remember.
you went easy on me - you could have really slagged me as a logical positivist.....
Brew on lecterfan

I would NEVER attack a logical positivist who was prepared to admit they were one (and as such understands the paradigm they are in). It is only the post-hoc ergot propter hoc empiricists I really have a problem with haha. Quantum Brewer had a hilarious cartoon recently: person A says "I though correlation implied causation until I did a statistics course", person B replies "so the course helped then?", person A "...I can't really say". (that's the gist anyway, very clever).

Sorry to OP for being so OT -but AHB can be a fantastic and fascinating place!
On a recent trip to Bali I was stopped at Immigration and asked why I didnt have a tattoo ..... They questioned my Australian passport.
Lecterfan - I admit to nothing ... all part of the training

And - Why am I not a beer god yet?
And - Why am I not a beer god yet?

You don't talk enough rubbish in the non-brewing sections with the likes of me - simple.

6 years ago I almost moved to Geraldton - almost. Lived in Busselton for a while but domestic commitments called me back here, and here I have remained.

Does it matter to you that you are not a beer god? How does that make you feel? :lol:

edit: actually it must be really interesting where you are with what you do...I might have to pack away the snide comments and PM you again! Not the you could really answer the type of questions I'd love to know. I'll get back there one day...aaahhh the mackerel...
You don't talk enough rubbish in the non-brewing sections with the likes of me - simple.

6 years ago I almost moved to Geraldton - almost. Lived in Busselton for a while but domestic commitments called me back here, and here I have remained.

Does it matter to you that you are not a beer god? How does that make you feel? :lol:

Current symptomology

Increased alc consumption -gasp
feeling as if my airlock will never bubble again ....

Thank god for ssri's - maybe that could be an adjunct in my next brew instead of whirlfloc .....
I had a similar question in mind.

Mine had more swearing in it but.

Seriously, gone_fisting, what on Earth are you talking about?
Thank god for ssri's - maybe that could be an adjunct in my next brew instead of whirlfloc .....

:lol: :lol: :lol:

They pick you up but don't settle out without finings though.

To be honest, as drunk as I am I won't continue on in case of upsetting someone who has experienced priapism (I find a good dose of cloz in secondary will cure what ails ya)...ooh, maybe I pushed the limits of good taste there.

I can see myself retracting and aplogising for that one in the morning - I blame my need to impress perceived peers on the inability for me to resolve my Ericksonian identity crisis...or something

You got to ask yourself why do people get ink in the first place. For attention? Buggered if I would get ink. People with ink seem to attract trouble? Show offs? I dunno. They are the first thoughts that come to my mind and maybe the pub owner.

Are you for real?
I waited countless years before getting my first one, will take another two to finish that sleeve off. I work hard so I can afford to get them in the first place. Pubs have discriminatred against me yes, nothing a few common manners or courtesies can't address though.
without being rude what does it feel like being taken through the side enterance? B)
without being rude what does it feel like being taken through the side enterance? B)
Are you for real?
I waited countless years before getting my first one, will take another two to finish that sleeve off. I work hard so I can afford to get them in the first place. Pubs have discriminatred against me yes, nothing a few common manners or courtesies can't address though.

I started with ones people couldn't see. Now, they're in places people can see (not even many yet). Not to impress, but for me, why I(we) are discriminated against for something less disgusting than some hipsters hair (or fixy pushie) confuses me...

I'm going to end with sleeves, and I'm going to drink good beer. If one place denies, time to move onto the next.

Beer on brothers, beer on.
After a few years in the US the whole culture of refusing entry to establishments is quite jarring when I'm back in Australia and need to run the gauntlet of ******** bouncers just to give them my money. Do I have the right shoes, shirt, and hair to give this publican my money? Will the bloated roid raging bouncer just not like me?

It's interesting in NYC there are whole swaths of bars dedicated to attracting people with sleeve tatoos. Given these are mostly skinny trust fund hipsters, but hey they have cash.

Of the hundreds of pubs, I can think of only one that had a bouncer: DBA in the East Village. And he was only on the door Fri/Sat nights. A skinny english bloke who looked like a roadie for band and was always quick with a joke and didn't ID me to often.

I think it's a massive cultural difference. Aussies are quick to pass judgment on looks. Yanks are just keen to make a buck and don't really give a **** about you, least of all what you look like. You get used to mixing with or ignoring all different types.

At the start of last year I was out in Oz with some mates and after dinner we decided on a quick beer. It was summer. I had thongs on so was refused entry. A concept that had become foreign to me. My friends reaction was to pull some stunt sneaking some shoes back out for me. My reaction was to want to not want to give the ********* my money, and to go somewhere else. No one could understand the concept and thought I was being silly.
You got to ask yourself why do people get ink in the first place. For attention? Buggered if I would get ink. People with ink seem to attract trouble? Show offs? I dunno. They are the first thoughts that come to my mind and maybe the pub owner.

Wow, I hope to hell you don't end up in the ward where my wife works as a Registered Nurse.....She is at a point of starting to run out of places to put ink (although her sleeves are still bare).

I absolutely love people who make judgements based entirely on appearance. I say look at how the person is walking, their facial expressions, this is a better indicator of if you are likely to end up with trouble in your bar or not (I've been in the front line of hospitality for nigh on 10 years now, I can pick trouble makers from a mile off, regardless of how they look).

Misconceptions about those with ink run rampant. No, we are not all bikies, no don't all walk around looking to start fights on a Friday night. Trust me, heavily modded people are usually the ones sitting off to the side in a pub relaxing with mates, we've spent too much money on our skin to risk some tosspot cock sticking a broken beer bottle into us. Yes, everyone gets ink for different reasons, some people get it to look cool, some get the same tat their mates have, others get pieces that symbolise something significant in their life, some of us just love the sensation of the needle (I fit into the last two categories)....
Pubs restrict certain types of people because the majority of their patrons are not that type of person (are not looking for that type of person to sleep with or befriend).

This is how it works (for the "meatmarket" pubs especially):

Hot women attract many nervous, booze-guzzling men. Let all the hot women in you can. The majority of single, hot women want a wealthy partner.

Wealthy men are not usually tattooed on their forearms (sorry, but it's true).

Hot women walk in, see bar is full of tattooed men and leave.

Booze-guzzling men don't go there.

Bar goes broke.

BTW - it's these "meatmarket" pubs that have all the violence. It's vented sexual tension from guys who didn't score.

If you only go to "Cheers" style, old drunk fart bars, then none of this applies. They exist on the retirment funds of losers.