Alcohol - How Well Do You Recover?

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I have a very good friend who had similar issues when we were teenagers. He was a fair bit underweight with anxiety problems. Sometimes a single pint of beer would have him chundering so he stuck to spirits which seemed fine.

Once he got the anxiety issues sorted he put weight on (a bit too much tbh) and became a beer monster.

Not saying it's the case with you, but might not actually be the beer.

I drink 4-5 beers a night and function completely fine the next day. However I have been doing it for as long as I can remember. I weight 76kg. Anymore than that I start feeling it.

My old man was in the ICU with a failing / out of rhythm heart caused by drinking. As soon as he stopped drinking he was in fine health. However if he drinks a megaswill beer he can feel it effecting his heart. Since he started on my homebrew he has no issues.
When I was a teenager I could go out, get rat arsed, get home (don't know how), crash out for 3 hours, alarm would wake me, I would go to work (and usually chunder before I started). I would often do that 2 or 3 nights in a row.

These days my benders are few and far between. At about the age of 28 I really started to feel it. I found I couldn't party with heavy strength any more. The older I got, the hangovers got much worse and lasted longer. I am at the stage now (mid 30's) where I find it really hard to cope with even a mild hangover, especially when you have to function (work, kids, etc).

Personally, I don't find that much difference between HB hangover and megaswill hangover, but I do find a difference between beer hangover, (red) wine hangover and spirits hangover.
1 glass of red cleanskin or Grange Hermitage im FUBAR!!!!!!! :icon_vomit:
When I was a teenager I could go out, get rat arsed, get home (don't know how), crash out for 3 hours, alarm would wake me, I would go to work (and usually chunder before I started). I would often do that 2 or 3 nights in a row.

These days my benders are few and far between. At about the age of 28 I really started to feel it. I found I couldn't party with heavy strength any more. The older I got, the hangovers got much worse and lasted longer. I am at the stage now (mid 30's) where I find it really hard to cope with even a mild hangover, especially when you have to function (work, kids, etc).

Personally, I don't find that much difference between HB hangover and megaswill hangover, but I do find a difference between beer hangover, (red) wine hangover and spirits hangover.

I discovered this applies for me too the other night......Went out on a decent sized bender with a few workmates on Saturday night, was downing pints of JSGA at the pub, then went back to one mates place where we had tequila, then somehow ended up at another mates place drinking vodka.....Got back home ta 7am, blind drunk.

Was woken by the missus around midday and then spent the entire arvo curled up in a ball on the couch with a bucket as I could barely even hold down water.......

I'm glad the little one was still staying at her grandparents, I was in no state to be able to handle her. Clearly I'm not bouncing back as well as I used to, even comparing this years AHB pub crawl to last years was enough to prove that.
On the topic of wine and hangovers, there was a product I saw being spruiked on ACA or one of those other terrible 'news' shows called So2go. Apparently you add some to your wine (I think it contained hydrogen peroxide) and it neutralises the sulphur dioxide, which is what they were blaming for the bad afteraffects.

Also FTR I was definitely not watching ACA on purpose.
Sulpur dioxide in wines and ciders gives me a pounding headache but I'd rather find the stuff that has none added than add more of something else.

My HB and commercial stuff that is preservative free leaves me fine after a big evening as long as I'm hydrated and have eaten before, after or preferably both. Getting to bed before 3 helps too.

Even a big, late night with little food on preservative free/no added stuff, the next day hangover is far less than a night drinking too many sulphur added reds and can be cured with a panadol, a hair of the dog and a bacon sandwich. The sulphur wine deal takes twice as much bacon and a whole dog. I also find I have a loading with sulphited stuff - eg two glasses of red one night and two or three sulphited ciders the next ends up like a bottle or two of either the day after.

Brown spirits, as much as I love a good single malt or decent brandy, need to be moderated far more than most clear spirits. Recovery from overdosing on whisky is at least as horrible and slow as from sulphited red wine but a little different.

So many complex things going on with people's physical/chemical make-up and composition and so many chemical differences between different homemade and commercial products, it becomes a matter of finding your own acceptable limits with each. One reason why dietary recommended intake and government recommended intakes for alc etc. just make little sense to me.
some mates and i tested a theory that a nip of olive oil before hitting the booze puts you in a better form for recovery. the trial is not conclusive as yet, but so far the results are that those who took the oil were in top shape the next morning :beerbang:

Alcohol - How Well Do You Recover?

Well below par today, but I guess I deserve it. Managed to make noodles last night, but not drink any water. My champion's breakfast of two double espressos apparently wasn't even enough to remedy the situation. I blame the three commercial pints I had last night, the two White Rabbits and the unknown quantity of homebrew couldn't have been the cause.

My recipe for a hangover is coffee, big drink of water, any necessary toilet and a good shag. It might not always work, but it can't hurt to see if it will work under the exact biochemical circumstances, purely in name of science.
Both of these no matter how bad you feel, always make you feel better for at least 10-15 minutes after. ;)

10-15 minutes you reckon????

Jaysus, i need to pull my socks up. I'm nodding off after 3.....

not so much on the toilet though (disclaimer)
and a good shag.



I'd love a good shag, but the missus is always saying she doesn't want to have one on the floor anywhere in the house. I just don't get it.

As others have said, when younger I could go out on a huge night, then do it all over again the following day. Now approaching mid thirties any more than 3 or 4 pints and I start to feel a bit crappy the next day.
I'd love a good shag, but the missus is always saying she doesn't want to have one on the floor anywhere in the house. I just don't get it.

While your idea of a shag on the floor is OK, my idea of a good shag is a bird on the pole.

My latest batches of BSA and Triple really do a job on me if I'm not careful. I'm putting it down to all the sugar. I mean I feel physically poisoned if I give it to big a nudge.
I'm not as, erm - 'fit' as I once was however seeing as I only drink on weekends so my tolerance for drink isn't what it use to be.

Still the old rules apply.
A good feed, guzzle as much water as you can stand before bed, plenty of sleep.
One of the things that's really changed for me since having a kid is obviously those lazy days of recovery in the fetal position under the sheets are over, so those sessions stretching into the wee hours are pretty much a thing of the past.
Try changing a nappy full of **** attached to a screaming baby when you're fighting back a blinding headache and nausea on for size.

I'm told by mates however my drinking will resume its normal regularity and volume once the child enters it's teen years.
When i was younger i could get messed up, throw up, then wake up and start all over again at lunch time. Fun times :) Stangely cant distinguish between different weeekends well.

Nowadays if i have been good during the week, i can have a big night on the weekend and still be ok the next day. Down a few IQ points but function pretty well.

I throw up less than when i was younger, maybe once a year now. I still have a few mates who like to turn in a good 8 to 12 hour session that involves drinking more, when we should have stopped hours ago.

Megaswill makes the next day noticably worse and red wine is a bitch but i like it.