Many excellent points in there. Some people here are pedantic about brewing terminology, I guess I just like to know that an argument has been fleshed out behind the scenes as well as in front.
You, good sir, have truly demonstrated that!
I have to say though, in 10 years working in social welfare and not-for-profit organisations that visual stereotypes DO form whether you want them to or not.
There is a difference between the descriptive (what does happen) and the prescriptive (what
should happen) - and as you say, discrimination/prejudice is largely a learned behaviour that we develop as adults. The only reason I brought up evolutionary legacy (it is not an argument I resort to often or indeed entirely agree with) is that there are an overwhelming number of articles that use this theory (and, like natural selection it is just theory at the end of the day) as a reason for
why we develop the biases as adults.
So I agree with you %100, it's not "natural" in the sense that it is already there, but our
predisposition towards developing biases is something to help reduce the cognitive workload. Much the same thing as learning to differentiate the difference between a bee and a fly and learning to ignore one and not the other.
F*ck I'm well and truly into my Friday night now haha. Please don't think I was having a go with my post, I was just commenting that there is a difference between discrimination against cosmetic appearance and genetic appearance, and that although it is not ethically permissable, there is a still an explanation behind the "why" even though we don't like it. Civil liberties is also part of a 10,000 word banger I'm working on so is a bit of a hot topic around these parts.
As for this one: "...A great deal of people who wear suits and ties are rude,uneducated ********* too..." - yep, they are the worst of them. Social inequality and injustice isn't caused by the toothless tattooed welfare recipients, they are merely the product of it.
And this one: "...Watch out for those K+K brewers!! We all know what they're like!
h34r: hee hee - you said that, not me.
edit: .........sorry mate your school uniform is dirty can't sit on the lounge. - gold.