How can it be one year since the Lindt Cafe siege?

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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Wow, what happened to 2015?
Can't believe it's been a whole year. So what have the security forces learned in the last year? I believe it's tending towards non negotiation, just go in Arnie style.
Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives...

Non Negotiation: Isn't that sort of what they did today where guy became a pest to negotiate with, was going nowhere. Out came his knife, attacked a hostage, the TRG went in and popped a couple of caps in him.

Wonder if they would have waited so long if it was a bearded Muslim?

>How can it be one year

I guess because the earth has rotated around the sun once since then

>So what have the security forces learned in the last year?

that if they keep using the words like 'terrorist' and 'security' more and more people seem to be ok with pretty much any notion of rights or privacy to be overlooked ;)
May or May not be relevant but it does seem to be the Radical Muslim dressers that will not assimilate and cause the problems here I suppose you might have noticed the dress of the people in Sydney raided by Police at home who supplied the hand gun used in the killing of the innocent Police Accountant. Think I might just know where to start checking myself.

As for the Lebanese Deputy Mayor and his gun film stunts and blatant Up Yours wedding stunts I don't think I might have the tolerance common and maybe a few one way flights out for families would have the calming influences required. Sydney now looks like Beruit with Job Centres and Centrelink..
Tropical_Brews said:
Sydney now looks like Beruit with Job Centres and Centrelink..
Yes, Beirut and Sydney are indistinguishable from each other.
Tropical_Brews said:
maybe a few one way flights out for families would have the calming influences required. ...

Sydney now looks like Beruit with Job Centres and Centrelink..
Can't wait for a day when there is an end to privileged entitlement. How many Qu'uan verses did you read on the intewebz? Scary **** ay bruz!!! I encourage you and your family to be on one of those flights, I know I'd feel calmer.
goomboogo said:
Yes, Beirut and Sydney are indistinguishable from each other.
Give it time, there are some working on it.
Tropical_Brews said:
May or May not be relevant but it does seem to be the Radical Muslim dressers that will not assimilate and cause the problems here I suppose you might have noticed the dress of the people in Sydney raided by Police at home who supplied the hand gun used in the killing of the innocent Police Accountant.
I'm going to go with 'May Not' for $100..

what someone wears is infinitely less important than the thoughts and beliefs in their head, and choosing to wear a specifics religious following garment does not make someone 'Radical'
I'll take the 99.999% of non radical muslims over the 100% of morons that continue to spit out bigoted opinions and blanket billions of people around the world into the incredibly small minority of extremists who use their religion to validate their extremism (and not the other way around).

/end rant
Tropical_Brews said:
May or May not be relevant but it does seem to be the Radical Muslim dressers that will not assimilate and cause the problems here I suppose you might have noticed the dress of the people in Sydney raided by Police at home who supplied the hand gun used in the killing of the innocent Police Accountant. Think I might just know where to start checking myself.

As for the Lebanese Deputy Mayor and his gun film stunts and blatant Up Yours wedding stunts I don't think I might have the tolerance common and maybe a few one way flights out for families would have the calming influences required. Sydney now looks like Beruit with Job Centres and Centrelink..
I'm not sure I understood any of that.
I'm a common Aussie. I cant relate to anyone who hides themselves behind cloth or in any other way or disguise. Those kind don't relate to us at all either.
Its just human nature. Recognizing these things is not prejudice any more than recognizing them as fact.
Just hope for children being smarter than all of us.
Bribie G said:
Wow, what happened to 2015?
Can't believe it's been a whole year. So what have the security forces learned in the last year? I believe it's tending towards non negotiation, just go in Arnie style.
I somehow doubt an infidel barking sympathetic platitudes through a bullhorn has much a martyr on a delusional religious crusade would want.

Then again, I can possibly see Man Haron Monis walking into Martin Place with his hands in the air saying 'you had me at hostage exchange'.
Off topic but under ,"That was the year that was" Our economy is becoming a bigger concern than terrorist attacks, talk now of diagnostic imaging and blood tests to be scrapped from bulk billing next year, add onto that we are paying $21 billion interest a year on Commonwealth debt, more than we are spending on public hospitals,and we will not be seeing any surpluses until the next decade.
Joe did get one thing wrong, unemployment came down and didn't go up as predicted.
Sorry Chaps I was mistaken but so far never seen any of these killers or terror suspects in jeans and T shirts or Singlets and Shorts seems to be a uniform required..  Not much point having the Police dressed and armed and acting like US National Guard  when the Do Gooders allow all these dangerous and suspect people out and about. 
The Lind Cafe deaths can only be blamed on the system that allows a suspected looney murderer out on bail in the first place.  I guess keeping people in prison is just too expensive.  Day after female suspect rejailed again.

whoops a file edit error must be this browser
I think the main thing that Joe got right was his exit strategy and timing, as he knew he was not making a difference here.
wide eyed and legless said:
talk now of diagnostic imaging and blood tests to be scrapped from bulk billing next year,
Not quite true. The item planned to be removed is the "incentive payment/bonus paid to those organisation to encourage them to bulk bill - by removing bulk-billing incentives for pathology.

Danscraftbeer said:
I'm a common Aussie. I cant relate to anyone who hides themselves behind cloth or in any other way or disguise. Those kind don't relate to us at all either.
Its just human nature. Recognizing these things is not prejudice any more than recognizing them as fact.
Just hope for children being smarter than all of us.
I really hope you are Aboriginal and are talking about the English invasion of 1788.