How Bogan Are You?

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you mean I can go to the shops in something other than my homer simpson boxers, wife beater singlet and safeways thongs to pick up my slab of vic and carton of winney blues?
actually I like that my local bottle-o has rent-a-cop security (as does my local ritchies supermarket) and that all the spirits bottles have a lock out device with security tag over the bottle tops.
Beach street Richies?
I'd never considered myself to have a bogan bone in my body. However we went shopping at Northlakes Westfield, as opposed to our normal Morayfield.
Morayfield = Wurrrbeee, Elizabeth, Campbelltown. Northlakes says it all, any master planned community with "lakes" in the name where the McMansions are all adorned with at least two Subarus, a sprinkling of BMWs etc.

I was amazed how thin everyone was, and how fast and zippy they walked. No fat pram pushers here - mostly skinny looking guys, probably bank johnnies on their RDOs, with jumpers draped over their shoulders and the sleeves drooping down the front, and the women were all scowling fierce looking aerobics Fernwood Triathlon bitches walking with their noses in the air, their tight little butts pumping up and down as they propelled themselves towards the enerjuice bar and the sushi stand. No Go-Lo or McDonalds in this Westfield, oh no.
The only kids were little ankle biters with perfectly coiffed hair and Pumpkin Patch clothing and miniature little joggers.

On the way home we had to call in at Morayfield to pick up Mrs's specs from SpecSavers and I was right at home again, masses of fat tattooed girls called Britney and Shilo pushing prams in groups of three or four, big fat guys on Disso Pensions hanging around Maccas and Hungry Jacks - heaps of really feral high school kids wagging it. And the kids, the glorious snotty nosed screaming kids darting around wiping their greasy little hands on everthing while mum shouts four letter words. The difference between Morayfield and Northlakes shopping centre is that one of them pulses with life while the other is a grey soulless place with closed-off people rushing through the place.

Ugg boots here I come.
PS the only reason I persuade SWMBO to come to Northlakes is that it's got a Dans :icon_cheers:
I'd never considered myself to have a bogan bone in my body. However we went shopping at Northlakes Westfield, as opposed to our normal Morayfield.
Morayfield = Wurrrbeee, Elizabeth, Campbelltown. Northlakes says it all, any master planned community with "lakes" in the name where the McMansions are all adorned with at least two Subarus, a sprinkling of BMWs etc.

I was amazed how thin everyone was, and how fast and zippy they walked. No fat pram pushers here - mostly skinny looking guys, probably bank johnnies on their RDOs, with jumpers draped over their shoulders and the sleeves drooping down the front, and the women were all scowling fierce looking aerobics Fernwood Triathlon bitches walking with their noses in the air, their tight little butts pumping up and down as they propelled themselves towards the enerjuice bar and the sushi stand. No Go-Lo or McDonalds in this Westfield, oh no.
The only kids were little ankle biters with perfectly coiffed hair and Pumpkin Patch clothing and miniature little joggers.

On the way home we had to call in at Morayfield to pick up Mrs's specs from SpecSavers and I was right at home again, masses of fat tattooed girls called Britney and Shilo pushing prams in groups of three or four, big fat guys on Disso Pensions hanging around Maccas and Hungry Jacks - heaps of really feral high school kids wagging it. And the kids, the glorious snotty nosed screaming kids darting around wiping their greasy little hands on everthing while mum shouts four letter words. The difference between Morayfield and Northlakes shopping centre is that one of them pulses with life while the other is a grey soulless place with closed-off people rushing through the place.

Ugg boots here I come.
PS the only reason I persuade SWMBO to come to Northlakes is that it's got a Dans :icon_cheers:
Hey Bribie, Northies is my local. Dans is right next to the bar where I used to be able to sit and have a couple of pints of Stella while SWMBO done the groceries. Across the road there is now another tavern and 1st choice :icon_chickcheers: .
Moronfeild is a crack up and you have pretty well nailed the description.

You Guys have nuthin'!!!

I'm Chappo
I live in Bethania which has more overturned burned out wrecks per capita than Iraq
I live in Logan which is Bogan with a L on the front of it
Kids and drop outs out number single Mum's by 20:1
If you have your own teeth your rich
I have 2 boats in the front yard and ride on mower pulled half down
The local cops I know by first name
I own a Commodore which doesn't go!

Ahhhhhh Paradise!!!!

You blokes dunno what bogan is............ I had to get my sister to type this post.


Sure she did Mr Fancy pants speller!
I'd never considered myself to have a bogan bone in my body. However we went shopping at Northlakes Westfield, as opposed to our normal Morayfield.
Morayfield = Wurrrbeee, Elizabeth, Campbelltown. Northlakes says it all, any master planned community with "lakes" in the name where the McMansions are all adorned with at least two Subarus, a sprinkling of BMWs etc.

I was amazed how thin everyone was, and how fast and zippy they walked. No fat pram pushers here - mostly skinny looking guys, probably bank johnnies on their RDOs, with jumpers draped over their shoulders and the sleeves drooping down the front, and the women were all scowling fierce looking aerobics Fernwood Triathlon bitches walking with their noses in the air, their tight little butts pumping up and down as they propelled themselves towards the enerjuice bar and the sushi stand. No Go-Lo or McDonalds in this Westfield, oh no.
The only kids were little ankle biters with perfectly coiffed hair and Pumpkin Patch clothing and miniature little joggers.

On the way home we had to call in at Morayfield to pick up Mrs's specs from SpecSavers and I was right at home again, masses of fat tattooed girls called Britney and Shilo pushing prams in groups of three or four, big fat guys on Disso Pensions hanging around Maccas and Hungry Jacks - heaps of really feral high school kids wagging it. And the kids, the glorious snotty nosed screaming kids darting around wiping their greasy little hands on everthing while mum shouts four letter words. The difference between Morayfield and Northlakes shopping centre is that one of them pulses with life while the other is a grey soulless place with closed-off people rushing through the place.

Ugg boots here I come.
PS the only reason I persuade SWMBO to come to Northlakes is that it's got a Dans :icon_cheers:

Pure gold, Bribie! Thanks for a good laugh.

The bogan comes out of me during scrounging season. It's the only time I drive slowly. Shaz get's the shits cos she can sense my eyes scanning left-right-left-right as we drive down the street.
It paid off yesterday though. Picked up the son from daycare, drove down the street and.. "Hang on, that's a guitar case!" Quick U-turn, jump out and check it out.
Yamaha steel string acoustic in a hardcase. Woo- farken- hoo!
A new set of strings, spit & polish, flog it off on ebay, and I'm on my way to my new PS3!
Pure gold, Bribie! Thanks for a good laugh.

The bogan comes out of me during scrounging season. It's the only time I drive slowly. Shaz get's the shits cos she can sense my eyes scanning left-right-left-right as we drive down the street.
It paid off yesterday though. Picked up the son from daycare, drove down the street and.. "Hang on, that's a guitar case!" Quick U-turn, jump out and check it out.
Yamaha steel string acoustic in a hardcase. Woo- farken- hoo!
A new set of strings, spit & polish, flog it off on ebay, and I'm on my way to my new PS3!

Notice front yard has a trailer and a rusting Dak Dak.

Thought I might tip it over on the grass to get the motor and diff out :p
this cooler weather has brought the flanno back to life, also had socks on with me thongs yesterday ah and the old vb singlet is still a bbq shirt.
Mowing the lawn after a daytime drinking session is a winner as well if ya can spend more time mowing instead of standing around and staring at the idling mower while swiggin on a largy in a brown bag.
My wife gave me a haircut this week.

Now that the mullet is gone, I've officially retired from the bogan brigade.

My wife considers I'm now just a cranky old retired goose.

Notice front yard has a trailer and a rusting Dak Dak.

Thought I might tip it over on the grass to get the motor and diff out :p

If youre gonna strip down that dak dak Chappo - remember those gearbox casings are magnesium & alloy! Can make the next bon fire you have very exiting. It needs to be a very hot fire to seperate the alloy and magnesium. As you are probably aware from high school science - when magnesium is cooled quickly its pretty spectacular.

You dont need much - maybe a quarter the size of a CD, a gearbox casing goes along way. Put piece in hot fire, let alloy seperate, either douse glowing magnesium in fire with hose from safe distance or extract with long handled shovel and cast like a fishing rod - BE WARNED - this stuff is unbelievably hot and hurts like hell if it lands on you ( a mate of mine still bears some scars on the top of his feet) and there is a very high chance that it will burn anything it lands on and might catch the attention of the local fire brigade - definatley not a summer activity.

I could dig some old photos out - but lets just say it is very spectacular. It was something i picked up from a couple of mullet clad car freaks/pyromaniacs at the Bathurst Races one year, where if you stand still for to long there is a fair chance you will either be set alight or run over by the VB drenched punters. No bogans here.

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