Household Grain Bag

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Got my grains today in the mail, a problem has come up though and that is I didn't order a grain bag, my LHBS store is a fair drive and will be shut by the time I finish work anyway. I'm hoping to mix up a batch of beer tonight though so I'm just wondering if there are any viable household materials/items that will work as a grain bag? I was thinking stockings, do these work effectively or do they rip/ladder?
Got my grains today in the mail, a problem has come up though and that is I didn't order a grain bag, my LHBS store is a fair drive and will be shut by the time I finish work anyway. I'm hoping to mix up a batch of beer tonight though so I'm just wondering if there are any viable household materials/items that will work as a grain bag? I was thinking stockings, do these work effectively or do they rip/ladder?

I used stockings to steep some grains in the last days of my kit/extract days.
They work fine, and are surprisingly strong.
Don't go for the used stockings ;)

What about spotlight, are they open on your way home and get the Swiss voile.

Otherwise rip down the lacing of some curtains, don't let the missus know...

Closest Spotlight is around 40km away, I live in the scrub :[. I might be able to hunt down some curtain lace though.
If you are just steeping smallish amounts you can also just use a kitchen sieve/strainer.
New stocking work fine, get the short ones and boil em up first to remove any dye.
What about a pillow case, or the calico bags that bread flour comes in?

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