Think he was reffering to residue left in sock after three years of use adds 5 ibu, I took it as tongue in cheek.Has anyone else experienced an increase in hop utilisation from a hop sock? I used one two days ago and i have a feeling that i will observe a decrease due simply to the fact the hops appear restricted in the sock and not at the full mercy of the rolling boil.
The reason i stopped using a hop sock was i believed I was not getting the best out of my hops due to compacting in the sock and not have them roll around in the boil or late ones not getting to sit in the whirlpool. I know my way is probably not the way it should be done but after over 80 probably alot more ag brews I have found this works for me and most of my beers turn out the way I like them. When I dry hop in the fermenter they just get dumped straight in as I find cold crashing for a week or so gets them to drop to the bottom with the yeast and it drains to the kegs clear and clean. Probably should add that I avoid dry hopping with flowers.
Cheers Brad